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Posts posted by HylianHero

  1. You know, I used to be 100% against woodwinds, but lately, I've been turning around. I would go see DCI if there were woodwinds. If there were, it might even make it *gasp* possibly more exciting. Just because it's tradition doesn't mean that it has to stay that way. Nothing has stayed the same for hundreds of years. Should we still make cars with the rigid frame because that's how they used to make them. No. They make them safer. I completely agree with MikeD, this started decades ago, and it should be allowed to continue. I'm a brass player, and rather enjoy a good woodwind sound occasionally, there's nothing wrong with that.

  2. To the great corps reps for the info on the Marauders

    1988 21 76.200 Dracula - Escape From The Castle * Fair Folk * Scarborough Fair Amazon * Darrel's Theme

    1990 24 72.700 Selections from Batman Amazon * Symphony No. 2 Amazon

    1991 19 77.200 Adventure on the High Seas! - Overture to Captain Blood * Song of the High Seas (from Victory at Sea) * Pacific Boils Over (from Victory at Sea) * Beneath the Southern Cross (from Victory at Sea) * Fire on the Waters (from Victory at Sea) * Voyage into Fate (from Victory at Sea)

    1992 17 76.700 Adventures on the High Seas II - Sea Fanfare (from Victory at Sea) * Overture to Captain Blood * The Siren's Call * The Storm * Fantasia On Dead Man's Chest * The Revelation

    Well apparently they did pirates in '91 and '92 and didn't have an 89 show

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