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Florida Scholastic guards

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Well, I suppose it’s time to start looking ahead to the 2010 indoor season and trying to figure out who’s doing what and what’s happening where.

And right now, there seems to be a LOT of news from Broward County, Florida. (Isn’t that always the case…???)

I just looked at the list of current entries for the Florida WGI Regionals and noticed a couple of interesting developments at the Ft. Lauderdale Regional.

And away we go…

1.) Stoneman-Douglas competes in Scholastic Open

Looks like this perennial crowd-pleasing Scholastic World group will be competing in Scholastic Open during this coming season. And that’s probably a good choice for them. Seems as if the 2009 Stoneman-Douglas ensemble was just a little off their usual game. They’ve had quite a few of directing changes within the program while also experiencing a high turnover of members. So, this move to Scholastic Open class makes a great deal of sense for them.

Worth mentioning is that this approach worked wonderfully in Indiana for Lawrence Central High School. Their popular World guard competed in Open class during the pervious two years and received RAVE reviews for their performances. As a result, Lawrence Central has decided to move into SW class for the 2010 season. So, this strategy of moving between classes DEFINTLEY has a proven record of success.

Rest assured that no matter the class, one thing about the Stoneman-Douglas program will remain the same: crowds always go WILD for Stoneman-Douglas. And they’ll go wild for them again this year. Good luck to the entire Stoneman-Douglas program as they begin to prepare for the 2010 season.

2.) West Broward High School moves to Scholastic A

This new school officially opened in the fall of 2008. And during the 2009 winter guard season, West Broward’s winter guard turned in some very memorable, encouraging performances. Glad to see this young guard joining the ranks of South Florida’s impressive Scholastic A competitors.

Also worth noting about this up-and-coming group of performers is that among the talented staff working with West Broward are none other than John Williams and Danny Riley – both of whom previously worked with the Stoneman-Douglas program.

3.) Flanagan produces another A guard

For a second year, Flanagan will be fielding a Regional A guard in addition to their insanely successful Scholastic World guard.

We always wonder where Flanagan keeps finding such wonderful performers year after year after year. Now, we know the answer: they find them in their own backyard, i.e., their equally successful “Regional A” guard program.

Good luck to ALL of Flanagan’s ensembles as they prepare for the upcoming season.


All of these developments are terrific news for 2010.

And if anyone has any additional details - or additional news to report - please feel free share...!!!


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Yes, yes, yes. I know, I know, I know.

You're absolutely right.

I'm just so excited to be hearing early news about the 2010 season that I just can't HELP myself.


Please forgive me, for I am weak and backsliding...


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Yep. That's where I saw it, too.

Of course, the listing on the WGI Ft. Lauderdale Regional page could be an error.

It's possible. We live in an imperfect world. Mistakes happen all the time.


Again, good luck to the entire Stoneman-Douglas program - no matter which class they compete in during the 2010 season...!!!


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I'm sorry for snapping, this decision was finalized very very recently and I wasn't aware of it! Sorry!

No worries. These things happen. It's all good.


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