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Brief Review - Gettysburg, PA Preview Show June 17th, 2006

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This will be a fairly brief & general review since it was my first viewing of these corps and their shows are still "works in progress" in every imaginable way...

The venue was a decent stadium at Gettysburg College which features a decent rise and one of those quasi-synthetic turf fields... Crowd was midsized, weather was breezy and around 82. This show is part of the annual "Gettysburg Brass Band Festival" which has been running for about a decade and features lots of concerts over several days in multiple venues. The show ran from 5 to 7 pm - so still bright sun...

This show used to be free, then low-costs (5 bucks or so) - this year they charged $15 which seems excessive for an exhibition of only four units.

Anyway - there's the setting - here's my take:

First up: Hanover Lancers Alumni Corps > about 40 horns and 20 percussion - played a standstill concert of our National Anthem and several popular tunes. They were well-received by the local crowd and got a good ovation when they trooped the stands with their signature "You'll Never Walk Alone"

Second up: The Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps --> 22 musicians playing 10-hole fifes, handmade rope-tensioned drums and single-valve bugles, which bring to life the exciting sounds of the continental army... If you've never seen these guys - put them on your "must see" list - they are outstanding with fantastic music and marching... They really impressed me - as they have each time I've seen them. Here's their site to learn more about their history & program:


after a LONG delay (sigh)...

Crossmen >> full size corps (although several brass members spent most of the show on the sidelines) - looked like 64 brass, 34-6 guard and the rest percussion. Their 2006 program is a really sweet "vehicle" for the corps - one which I believe will put them back in the top 12 this season. All sections and aspects of the corps are ahead of schedule compared to last year - with about 6-7 minutes of program on the field, a much improved brass sound and a dynamic and grooving battery! Biggest plus - the visual aspect! Drill is a huge step up from recent seasons - with extremely good field coverage, good staging throughout the opener, effective ballad & very fun "Radio" segment which features blips of music and (yes) DJ's as if the driver of this fun vehicle for the Xmen was flipping through the radio dial while cruising downt the road. Everything from traffic jam reports, to rap music to spanish language radio had the crowds' toes tapping. This segment of the program will probably be one of the highlights of the 2006 season - it should grow into something very special as the season progresses. Crossmen need to get their closer drill on the field and then head out on tour to wow crowds. Interesting observation: you could tell the drum major was blown away by the crowd-response at end of their program - they got a very long standing ovation from the crowd at the end of their closer and the guy was obviously caught off-guard. That's a good thing :)

Welcome BACK Bones!! Loved it!! See you on that magical Saturday night come August!

Cadets >> OK - I loved them. I was blown away by them. I still can't get over how strong each section of the corps is - and the potential of this program (we only saw a shell of it tonight) is unlimited.

I have to start with the battery - five tenor, five bass, ten snares. The best battery I have ever seen this early - way ahead of last year - excellence personified. I don't see anyone touching them this year. The brass - another big improvement over last season - extremely strong book, power top to bottom - great middle sound. Oh - and LOUD! The guard only has a bit of their program on the field - but they in good shape for this early with a lot of interesting staging in the ballad and look to have a ton of weapon work in the program this seaons. They weren't in show garb yet, didn't use show flags, didn't have backdrops in place - so it's early but they look very solid.

The program is an extremely challenging one - starting off visually (but not musically) exactly where last year's program left off - the last minute of drill is used as a marching warmup (with voice over) and then blends right into the rapid fire opener, which then rolls right into about a two minute drum solo. The ballad (with singing) is an interesting combination of brass over human voice and the effect is very powerful. The closer is still a work in progress so they played it from a concert position - it is an excellent and fast paced piece which should draw the two year "zone" program to a fitting conclusion.

A lot of questions out there about the program - here are a few answers:

1. Could they take high guard, high brass & high drums again? Yes.

2. How's the drill? Fast, effective & much improved field coverage verses 2005

3. What do the guard uniforms look like? They wore all black in Gettysburg - but they are all white various jump suits, pant suits, etc with a huge colorful paisley like pattern with big oversized flowers and designs all over them...

4. What about the props? Well - in the rear of the field last night were about a dozen square low frames on wheels - look like they will support backdrops the guard and corps will utilize. There were a bunch of benches - PINK - which the corps moves around during the percussion feature and the guard stands on, leans against, slides down - etc during the ballad. Four "characters" were seen throughout the drille but they were in black last night. No real show flags used

5. Is the battery as good as rumored? Yes - better than imaginable.

6. Will the show be more "popular" than last years? Yes - I think the music and visual staging has more appeal - even the use of voice seems more effective and less intrusive - even during the ballad when she is singing over the brass - it is very effective IMO

7. Was there a "door"? Not last night - but there's a spot on the field for "something" (maybe a mirror?)

8. How are the amps? Sound system was kept on the field from the Crossmen - I have no idea if this was Cadets summer set up - but I doubt it (looked pretty ragged)

9. The uniform? The back of the corps is all in maroon - the way I thought they should have done it last year - but not sure if they are keeping it that way (hope so)

10. Any whistling? Nope - not yet.

Cadets are the real deal this season. IMO they have an excellent shot at going undefeated and rolling right through to their second straight championship.

Obviously that will depend on the OTHER corps on the field - and if another corps tops the Cadets this year - well - THAT's a corps I want to see!

And if another percussion unit tops this one - well, I will need a sedative - I don't think my heart could take it!


Edited by George
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