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Everything posted by brierhart

  1. Whichever is more convenient for you. Thanks.
  2. Hey all, I'm in a World Music class this semester and need to write an 8-10 page paper on a living music culture. I picked DCI, of course. I need to interview people for the paper. I've already got a visual instructor and a corps director. So I decided to bring the questions to you, the marchers. I don't need your real name, but I have to cite something, please don't give me an inappropriate pseudonym, it is for a college paper. Thanks! Name: Gender: What age were you when you marched: What age are you now: Which instrument did you march/play: Which corps is you favorite (besides your own): What is your (intended) college major/degree in: Which corps did you march with: What years: Why did you join drum corps: What was your best experience: Do you intend to continue to support DCI after you retire from competition:
  3. Back in 2004 a friend and I wandered away from the group and found a restaurant that I want to go back to again (I don't know if it was having eaten corps food for a few months, but that was the best soup that I have ever had). Now that I'm living in the area I have the opportunity to go back to Denver with a friend that lives there. But I don't remember what area of Denver or the hotel that I&E was in. Can anybody remember?
  4. SCV with Phantom of the Opera. It was amazing. I don't get it, how'd they make him dissapeare off the chair. There was no where for him to go!! I couldn't figure it out. How'd they do that?! :o
  5. I have an Olds french horn. I don't know anything about the brand, just that the horn is a pro model, it was cheep and it was in good condition. Joy.
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