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Tony L.

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  1. Can this topic please be closed and removed forever. It is really difficult to see such a discussion as a Cadets fan. It is enough.
  2. Is anyone there? Not even a thread yet. Unless I missed something.
  3. Just checked. It would seem that the Mandarins were closer in drums tonight than in SA. So there's that.
  4. Completely think the brass scores were on point. Think the visual scores were right, but could have been a little more in the favor of Mandarins.
  5. I think the surprise ending for Vanguard will be an extra percussion feature at the end. Also, just me, or did the brass have a rough run. -- especially trumpets?
  6. Makes sense. Everything you think about the French Quarter architecture was actually done by the Spanish when they took over the city from the French.
  7. I just saw a reminder that the Cadets won SA in the Power of Ten season (before uniform change). So we all need to be mindful that the season still has a long way to go.
  8. I believe that this season will be amazing for all involved. Every corps is amazing and must be celebrated. Always!
  9. Meh. BD performed the heck out of a less than amazing show. No way they are below 3rd because of talent. But this show seems not up to their standards. Oddly, I felt that they somehow needed more and larger props. These look small and not very effective.
  10. Really like the Mandarins show, but it just seemed to lack an element of joy or fun somehow. First viewing and online, so I am reserving opinion. But, having just moved from New Orleans, there is a certain spirit that was not conveyed tonight. But, still a really good show.
  11. Caries seemed to fizzle at the end. Not as bad as I was expecting though.
  12. Yuck. Why can't people just play a fairly straight version of the Anthem?
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