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Everything posted by euphguy

  1. I think they made just the right adjustments! I actually enjoyed the show!
  2. Cadets are looking to pass someone tonight! Coats better come out on fire!!!
  3. I actually think Crown will be ahead of SCV! They made some really great changes!
  4. that colorguard in the ballad is very winterguard-esque. Very nice!!!
  5. umm, what happened to SCV's mellos? I can't hear them at all. Especially at the beginning. Hmmm...
  6. I'm rooting for Memphis too! I don't think they'll win it all, but I definitely think they'll finish higher than last year. It should be pretty interesting this year. I can't wait until Finals to see the finished product!!!
  7. I concur! They've had those flags forever. Umm, what's wrong with the good ole fabric and maybe some lame' every once in a while.
  8. This show is much improved from some of the past shows of the blue knights. Nice!
  9. They scored pretty well considering how long ago their last show was. They haven't posted any recent media, but they look close to the same size as last year, maybe a little smaller. I've always been a big fan of Teal, even having competed against them.
  10. BD won guard in 1999. Cadets in 2000, and I don't know about 01.
  11. IMO, it's not looking so good for bloooo anymore. I think they might have come off hot, and now just cleaning with no major added effect. I pray that I am wrong! I'm not jumping to conclusions, as I want the Cadets to stay behind, but I'm getting worried. We shall see!!!
  12. "down a bit"? Wow, they were one of the top 3 guards, and then they went to 8th. I think "a bit" is a huge understatement. I was one of those people agreeing w/you in ohio, as I was at the show. It shall be interesting to see how things pan out after the hype.
  13. True, I see they put the last 4 up! That's just awful......
  14. I understand this completely, and I concur. I only simply pointed it out that they got jipped. There's no way that the guard was "that" bad. From what I saw, they should have been up there comparatively. I bet they are ######!!!
  16. There were more "stall" moments in BD's show than I remember. I don't know, I enjoyed Cavies better, which is different than previous shows. We shall see....
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