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  • Your Favorite Corps
    Cadets of Greece, Phantom Regiment, Magic
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    "06' Faust"
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
    06' with Phantom Regiment

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DCP Rookie

DCP Rookie (1/3)



  1. If my feable mind serves me...In Rochester.. (Ya OK I lived there) there were 3 corps at one time Rochester Crusaders Cadets of Greece Patriots Then came, Phoenix and Empire Statesman
  2. Well my friend if you took the time to read everyones post and not so quick to fly off the handle. As a close friend of Bruce, maybe I have more insight then you. To begin with Bruce is a much stronger person than to let posts get the best of him. Secondly, I mentioned the 50,000 because a previous post asked if this was all it took to go on tour. I took my turn in the food truck, I too volunteered my time on the road, I too drove to everdays every other day to deliver mail to the kids, and I too...and I emphasize, paid a full 2000 tuition, unlike some. If all had done that then we wouldn't be talking nearly the financial problems. As far as answers, if you look on the website, parents that could not attend the meeting, (living out of area) were promised answers would be posted on the website, the are not. They should be told something even if it's not good. When you become a parent you might look at this in a different liight. I applaud your enthusiasm, your dedication, and your spirit. However, there are other out here that have a different insight and you neeed to acknowledge that.
  3. As a former Advisory Board member, Jared you know nothing of what you speak of. I know why Bruce has stepped down, and I know more of that organization than you ever will. As a parent I also believe we need more communication as to 2007. Holding off until the last minute will not help the corps cause with membership, unless they are waiting for the dust to settle after all has gone to other auditions. As far as saying there are 80 parents for the returning vets...take a look at the number of volunteers you had last summer. The same handful of people at camps and on tour. There certainly wasn't 80... maybe 8. The cost for tour is phenomenal and 50,000 is only a drop in the bucket. To run effectively your look towards 300,00 to 500,00 a summer. and by the way, Magic transportation is not free... Now add going to the west coast to the mix, another added expense. You would be better and the corps would be better to aim your cause at the parents and getting them involved. And having the current leadership answer some of the questions needed so that parents and students can make a choice, and not wait until the last minute.
  4. I have three available for Quarters Section 129, Row 37 Seats 5 - 7.. I can be reacxhed at shwdsnr2003@hotmail.com
  5. Anyone still looking for housing for championships week,... I have 4 nights available at the Best Western Carlton House in Brockton, MA.... Wed thru Sat Nights... it is valued over $300 and I will let them go for $200... Contact me at shwdsnr2003@hotmail.com
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