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Everything posted by ColtContra

  1. Is Jerry Carpenter still working with you guys...He's probably the most amazing teacher I've ever had and personally I think he did an awesome job with the front ensemble in 05....But none the less....GO BOSTON!!!
  2. Except theres one problem...The Colts aren't going to practice in Texas...We have a couple of indoor facilities that can fit a football field inside it if we need to use them...In fact we do use them for learning drill in the spring...One is in Wisconsin and the other is in Illionois...Both are within an hour drive of Dubuque...So that puts an end to that...Now as for the Troopers moving...Denver is out of the question...If I were to go to Denver and audition for a corps.(and this is meant in no way to offend the Troopers orginization because they will always have my respect)and their were two corps there I'm gonna go for the one that finished in the top 12...Just my two cents...But yeah...I'd still dig the troopers if they went to Bb.
  3. The Colts always have someone on tour who's either a trainer or a therapist or something...And the parents/staff are very good about getting people to a hospital if needed...In my opinion they are probably one of the best in DCI about taking care of their kids....
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