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Everything posted by myopinion

  1. 2006 Bluecoats 64- hornline 31- battery/pit 36- guard 2 - DM The show is called connexus and they have a lot of choreography to relate to this. The whole corps is stretched from end zone to end zone in a jagged line as they start the show by "connecting" arms. It is a pretty fast paced opener and it builds to a nice in your face moment. The drill is decent and moves well with the flow of the music. There is a really nice percussion feature towards the end of the opener which leads into a guard feature with the corps around the guard which is in a diamond shape. I don't really remember much about the second movement only that there are some solo's and duets. The ballad is very nicely done...probably my favorite part of the show. The battery moves to the end zone and the hornline takes control. Some nice moments and forms. The 4th movement goes back to the faster paced music and drill. They close the show with some nice visuals and a in your face chord. Corps proper is the same as last year. The guard uniform is very nice, though some what feminine for the male members in my opinion. They are in black/yellow/purple. Hornline was good. I don't think they have the power they did last year sound wise. The battery is good and show confidence. The pit...wow...they are awesome. Though they are mic'd like none other. They have steel drums which add a nice flavor to the music. The guard only had two movements on the field....which I was rather disappointed at. Overall it was good. However there is just something about this year that just isn't there. Last year... at the debut... I knew the corps was something special and were going to place well. This year there just isn't that "wow factor" they had last year. Granted the season hasn't even officially started yet but they do have a lot of room to grow which is a very good thing.
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