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Everything posted by Various

  1. Any Guess Whoers (sounds funny) going to be in Bayonne tomorrow night? Wil the Guess Who Police be there?
  2. Mike is right. My Mother never understood the encounter. She always said, "Why didn't you tell us?" I'll furnish the story once the legend is identified. Happened at the Tournament of Drums in old Aquinas Stadium, the scene of many great happenings. Another story about XXXX. While on a Caribbean cruise with the WDCHOF, he and I went up to the top of the ship at 0430 to watch the sunrise. His comment: "How can one not believe in God when he puts on a show like this?" I could go on and on. Best stories are not printable. Ask his friends about the night he met a girl in a bar when he was sharing a room with a friend. RIP
  3. Attention all Whooers! The badge police will be roaming the GAS this weekend. I have been elected to receive all fines! Thank you for this great honor.
  4. The bookends were on the infamous Niagara Falls trip to GAS last year. Our Mothers must have had Christmas in mind.
  5. I was a member of the Crusaders back in those days. We often went to contests where we were the only females in the competition. Vince pleaded with me for years to play a solo, doff my shakeo, and reveal to the audience that I was a girl. He thought it would be great GE. Female brass players were a novelty in those days. Thankfully, I moved to Philadelphia before Vince did away with the female color guard. He wanted to compete in, what was then, the national championships, the VFW and American Legion. Both organizations operated on 80/20 veterans rules. Competing corps had to be 80% veterans and 20% non veterans. Most corps had imposters who competed using a veterans name. When you had females competing, the requirement was doubly hard to meet. When I became an All American Judge it was laughable by today's standards. My male conterparts were worried about car pooling with me to contests for fear their wives would object or it just "wouldn't look right"! I usually ended up driving to judge contests by myself. We've come a a long way! Happily playing my horn tonight at the Dixie Stinger.
  6. #6 worked with the ill fated BSGK Junior Corps. Diocese closed down the school. He and Jack Pratt were great teachers for the kids.
  7. Is one of the snare drummers also the person who showed up at the Buglers Hall of Fame show without his "Guess Who" badge prominently displayed?
  8. Goodness! He hasn't changed at all. Well maybe, unlike many of us, he's thinner.
  9. You guys have been having way to much fun while I've been suffering on the beaches of sundry tropical islands. Loved the picture of a slim Lefty Mayer. He was one of a kind. Gruff on the outside with a heart of gold. His wife Lou is one of my favorite people. Next time a picture of Lefty comes up, I have a million stories to tell. But, then doesn't everyone? Is the Mistress of the Whip going to leave Florida in time to attend the Forum Show?
  10. High above Cayuga's waters There's an awful smell Some say it's Cayuga's waters We say it's Cornell
  11. The guy on the right did play with Music Express along with his daughter, Maria. Fun pair!
  12. Last time you saw 30, you were watching the Johnson Inauguration!
  13. A true gentleman. The activity will sorely miss him. My condolences to Mighty St. Joe's. My prayers are with the entire Anderson Family.
  14. It was at Irish weekend in Wildwood. Who remembers??
  15. Won a prize once for impersonating him. It was so easy:>)
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