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Granny Smith

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Everything posted by Granny Smith

  1. Don't you think on some level their shows (or late) are a bit of a "finger in the eye" of most fans? I'm wondering if the show actually communicates a bit of a "screw you" mentality? This is a sincere question: What do you think the designers are saying? By now they clearly know this style of show is not even close to being popular with the people paying the ticket prices. They have a storied history of COOLNESS but have abandoned it. Is it a matter of "variety" as some have said? Is it simply because they've found a winning formula and are riding that wave? I'm just wondering what those who designed these shows would say is their motivator?
  2. Thank you for making my point. Yes, I have recently walked through the mall and what I saw troubled me. Young adults sitting at a table in the food court staring at their phone and texting while they should be out working (yeah, yeah...I know there are exceptions). Are 19 year olds ready for the real world? Probably not. That's the problem. They should be. When I was 19 I had been living away from my parents for over a year in a city about three hours away. I had a full-time job, an apartment and a car payment. I had a savings account where I put half of my pay to help get myself to college. It's time we start expecting them to be adults.
  3. My point is that the OP (and others) chide people for booing when I actually think there's a place for it in the activity. I agree with a previous poster who distinguished between booing after a show and booing during scores. I think it was very clear that people were booing the scores that were assigned by the judges. Had BD finished second (second is still really really good) and Crown or Cadets first I don't think you would have heard any booing. But because of the actual results in Atlanta people booed and I don't fault them for doing so. The second point I'm trying to make is that we need to stop coddling the members. Let 'em hear the booing. Frankly, those marching for the Blue Devils will be stronger for it if those leading them don't try to shelter them. They are getting a real life lesson in their experience and honestly that's one of the great things about drum corps.
  4. And within this comment is the problem. THEY ARE NOT CHILDREN (yes, I'm shouting. Notice the all caps and bolded word). They are adults. Young adults, but adults nonetheless. The longer we treat them as kids, the farther out we push adolescence and we're left with adults living at home, leaching off their parents till they're 25 and having their mommy call their HR director at work and scolding them for treating little Johnnie unfairly at work. (and no, this is not hyperbole) Haven't most of you people been alive long enough to understand what kind of world you live in? As adults you rarely get compliments and "applause". Instead you mostly hear criticisms of you on every level. How often does the boss come by and put a cupcake on your desk and tell you how you're a winner? Instead when the boss walks into your son or daughter's cubicle and says, "You really dropped the ball on that project and I expect better" is it going to "rip their heart out" or are they going to suck it up and get the job done right? Good grief, are we all really that soft?
  5. It makes the generation who raised you foolish. Well meaning, but foolish.
  6. Is that how drum corps has evolved? Is it now a wine and cheese activity where we politely clap and then give a required standing ovation at the end of each and every show? There are corps doing shows that the majority of people "don't get" and we're supposed to appreciate it as "art" and applaud it while we warmly smile at those around us and look smuggly satisfied. Frankly...we're a lot closer to NASCAR then we are to the New York Philharmonic. Just look at the people sitting in the seats. The most raucous booing I've heard in drum corps throughout the years is when a corps (eg. 2013 Blue Devils) puts something on the field that most folks at best "tolerate" and then it's rewarded by the judges as the best show of the night. The elites would have you to believe that the middle-aged couple wearing their Wisconsin Badger sweatshirt, sitting on a seat cushion and eating a brat don't have the first clue about what's good and what isn't. But guess what? Most of them actually do know what is pleasing and what isn't. They paid for the ticket and the only way they can voice their opinion in some cases is to boo. Don't think it's only DCP know-it-alls who are booing. I've seen other gray haired ladies boo and men who were at the local auto plant booing. And don't forget...they're booing the judges decision.
  7. Sorry, but your post is too sanctimonious. I personally have never booed, but I have shaken my head on a number of occasions. An entire generation (I'm talking to you Millennials) was brought up under a sissy system that everyone was a winner: "C'mon. Don't say bad things about nobody...everyone tried the same and had fun, so let's give everyone a trophy." This is a competitive activity comprised of young adults--many of whom are going to be entering "real life" soon enough and they're learning some of the most valuable life lessons right now. They are NOT all winners and drum corps is a competitive activity with scores and winners and losers and stuff. They have staff who yell at them and make them run laps. Expectations are put on them and guys in green shirts and khaki pants tell them they did good or did bad. Booing isn't the end of the world and it's not gonna hurt these young people. If it does, then they need to be booed more. Welcome to life. Sorry for sounding crotchety, but this "everyone's a winner and don't hurt their feelings" sentiment is for the birds.
  8. The reason you see the Troopers' name on so many people's favorite list is because it's the Troopers being the Troopers. Madison set the model for how "it's done" a few years back and now the Troopers are following their lead. Bravo to both corps and to the handful of others who are . . . who they are.
  9. "OMG! The world will never be the same. This is SOOO totally cool! This is exciting and I think I'm going to lose my balance my head is spinning so much! DCI FINALS LIVE on webcast. WOW!" --Dan Potter
  10. "OMG! The world will never be the same. This is SOOO totally cool! This is exciting and I think I'm going to lose my balance my head is spinning! DCI FINALS LIVE on webcast. WOW!" --Dan Potter
  11. Oh for heaven's sake Potter. I'm watching this recorded video ad and you are such a drama queen.
  12. They distract me! I watch the whole show and wonder what's in 'em? I would love to see George pop out of one in one of those guard unis! Now that would make me stand up and cheer!
  13. Oh Dear. I'm blushing. Some of those fellows pants are revealing a bit much. I think it's time to switch to High Cam.
  14. Do you think it's possible that some members from Crown are going to be adversely affected psychologically from the counting in years to come? I can't imagine trying to sleep at night having heard the counting all day in rehearsal and at shows. If I were a member at rehearsal on a hot humid day and heard the staff say, "Okay, reset" over and over during the counting parts I would surely try to find some narcotics to ease the pain.
  15. Ooops! I went to my minibar and made myself a gin and tonic and realized that BD was on. Crap! Did I miss anything? Nevermind...back in another 6 or 7 minutes. I gotta go pee. Just sayin'
  16. An idea for a thread next year that has been missing (or at least I've missed it): A thread devoted to flags (silks) with photos, etc. I see so many beautiful designs each year. This year is no exception. Those who design them all should be applauded.
  17. Technical Question: Is there a reason why a person can't hit pause on Fan Network and let it buffer out about a minute so these constant hiccups are alleviated?
  18. Yeah...and they had the Sunburst and a stud drum major with his own fan page on facebook. Don't those things count for anything!?
  19. This is one of those years you need to be in your seats early at Semi-finals because the bottom half is generally more entertaining than the top half. Just sayin'.
  20. Yeah, but they are fighting an uphill battle IMO. I think their "draw" tonight was unfortunate and I don't see (not even having heard the other corps) how they will make up any ground on Blue Stars or Spirit. They're neck and neck with Crossmen so perhaps they can leap frog them tonight, but that won't be enough to get them into Saturday night. We're going to have to see some serious movement SOON.
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