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bariblaster's Achievements

DCP Rookie

DCP Rookie (1/3)



  1. Looks like Lee shut THAT down fast. A little trouble in paradise?
  2. caught your show tonite It's hard to believe that you guys have gotten this far so fast. I loved sway. And the grinch. And the blues tune. And all the solos. and the high-chops guy. and everything Wow. A lot of enertainment out of a small corps. You guys, and at least one gal, are going places.
  3. Grr??? I thought you were a Stork... not a Poodle!!! The ^0^ made me say that! When I get the photos (I was assured earlier today that they're forthcoming) and have had the time to prepare and set them up for the web, I'm sure you'll get a much better view. The other Joe! still looking for pictures and video nevermind pictures are on your site now thanks!!!!! the promised video coming soon?
  4. anyone from DCP who can let us know? There's some pictures and videos on the website from the first rehearsal, but not the open house.
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