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Everything posted by scruggs

  1. I marched with, was instructed by, and taught with Dann at Madison. In my ten years with the Scouts I have met many many incredible people. If I had to pick one person out of all those people to use as an example of what a "Madison Scout" should be on and off the field, it would be Dann Peterson. I am extremely excited for him and for the corps. To the Madison Scouts: Outstanding Choice!!!! Dann Peterson is the "Old Bull" Congratulations Madison, and congratulations Dann. John L. Scruggs Director of Bands Humboldt City Schools Madison Scouts Baritone 97-00 Visual Staff 01-06
  2. I didn't intend for my previous thread to be a spin of the rumor mill. If you, the average Joe fan, could pick a previous Uniform or design a new one, for the Scouts in 2007 what would be? Make your wildest dreams come true. I don't want this post to get closed as well so here's the disclaimer, I am only asking a question of the fans, I'm not starting a rumor, or making a claim. What would you like to see the Scouts wearing in '07? Scruggs Madison Scouts Baritone 1997-2000 Visual Staff 2001-2006
  3. How do we all feel about the Scouts changing uniforms again this season?
  4. From a Scouts staff member. That is '03 Scouts. The colors of the flag in the picture are changed from it's original "Gold, Green, & Red". And that member is James. He's a Great guy. I think the article is a stretch, but funny.
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