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Everything posted by Nelly

  1. Without duts, attacks just wouldn't be perfect. Ergo, I like them.
  2. March where you want. Period (assuming, of course, you pass the audition). Is it so wrong to want the glory of a top 3, top 6, etc corps? Of course not. If you don't say you're going to return to corps A a second year, then why is it wrong in any way to not return? The people who give crap for that seem like overly-possessive control freaks to me.
  3. Post, preferably with your reasoning, what you thought was the most underrated show and the most overrated show of this year. Keep in mind, this needs to stay constructive. This is not a topic for "this show sucks because" but, rather, "this show didn't appeal to me like it did to a lot of other people because". So I'll go first... Overrated: SCV. Yes, I could see that it was very well executed, and the drill was crazy, and all that, but it had zero entertainment factor for me. Out of the top twelve, this show was the only one that I really didn't get, theme-wise. It just seemed so random and disjointed to me. Underrated: Phantom. Okay, so people didn't exactly "underrate" this in the normal sense of the word...but from the get-go, a lot of people didn't seem to think that this show could really hang with the top three...whereas I thought this was very nearly on par with last year's show. I guess ugly guard outfits and a ballad that felt like a closer were some drawbacks, yeah, but other than that, I loved it.
  4. Somebody mentioned the Cadets 06. Yes, there was a whole fourth of the show devoted to percussion. Immedietley after that, there was a whole song that was basically a horn feature (well, really, a vocal feature). My point is that most ballads basically serve as "hornline features" with either a few measures of drums at the big impact, or none at all. So the idea that having a percussion feature gives percussion too many notes in comparison to the brass seems a bit ridiculous to me. Not to mention, a percussion feature could totally have bits of brass and still be a successful percussion feature (see Cavies 06, Devs 06 and Cadets '00). Also, taking duts out would cause lines to have atricious attacks. Besides, they sound cool.
  5. My name is Alex, and I'm going out for Crown's quadline this year...
  6. Anybody else notice that seemingly everyone and his brother, in terms of corps as a whole, is just shamelessly copying Mystique's show from this year? Seriously. When they did all the body movement, it was cool. Now, it's just been-there, done-that, and it all looks pretty similar. At least, to me it does. And in regards to the Dynasty thing...I understand that a lot of people don't like the deeper, "chewier" (for lack of a better word...) sound the snares get...But I honestly don't really see the problem. Yeah, 04 and 05 sounded like cardboard boxes...but take, say, last year, or 2003, or 2000, and that's just an awesome sound. Plus, the basses are decent and the quads are second to none. IMO, at least.
  7. 2004 SCV. I must be the only person on the face of the earth that doesn't like that show. The drumline, too. I know it was squeaky clean and all, but both drumline-wise and show-wise I way prefer SCV '03. Such an organic drumline arrangement.
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