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Everything posted by Daave

  1. Safety? From what... exposure to error that may have cost them points? He used the word safety as word to elicit emotion. It appears to have worked. Safety, in my mind would apply to say lightning in the area, you know... things that have the potential to cause true harm, maybe... but safety from lines not painted on a field? I don't think that "safety" from injury was at the top of the list of concerns, so I'm not buying that one either.
  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, those pesky, pesky signature moves. How dare they do something for the entertainment value and the fans. Just sayin'...
  3. This young lady is kicking a@@ with the Troopers, as we speak...
  4. When the colors were/are presented and then retired during these shows, how many of those in the audience stood and did he right thing? Don't talk the talk... well, you know the rest.
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