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Posts posted by Sutasaurus

  1. On performance alone, that's how I would have it. I think Phantom moved up because of their show, while Cadets were held back a little by their show (not because they used narration, per se, but because it detracted rather than added to what the rest of the corps was doing), and probably deservedly so on both accounts.

    Would have to agree with Matt on this point.

  2. We have a classical station WFMT "on air talent" (I don't think you call a classical station host a "DJ"... :tongue: ) here in Chicago who would frequently play a classical music piece by a famous orchestra, and then a version of it done by a corps. I specifically recall hearing Phantom, SCV and Cavaliers on this locally famous hosts program. Was it Carl Grapentine?

    WFMT Really? I listen to Carl every morning and I've never heard drum corps. I would love to hear Bill McLaughlin(sp?) do something with drum corps on his "Exploring New Music" program. This would be an excellent venue for this type of comparison.

  3. You've made a very good point here. 2006 - Good, 2007 - eh? 2008 Ungodly. 2009 - ?

    But, it seems, this only applies to certain corps. Look, for example, at BD 2006-2008, from a "programming" perspective, would these shows be considered topping the previous year? I'm not so sure. The problem for the Regiment is, they established a "connection" with the crowd that very few corps ever do. Sure, corps may execute well, and we (the crowd) may realize this, but that's where the connection ends. We weren't necessarily "drawn in" to BD's shows from 2006-2008, but there was no denying their performance level.

    It seems the Regiment does better when a connection is established (1993, 1989, 1996, 2003, 2006, 2008), and we tend to want that connection over and over again, year after year, if we don't get it, does it mean they weren't successful? Certainly not. For example, 1997 was a tremendous show, but didn't connect on the same level as 1996. 2006 also connected whereas 2007 was less so. We, the fan's, have made it harder on the Regiment than just about any other corps.


    Really good point Rocketman.... I find the Regiment does better when telling a story than they do a "theme" show. Look at 2005, 2006, 2008. Each connected with the audience in very different ways than say 2007 production.

  4. The 50th DVD is kind of a must if you are into Regiment at all, IMO. The story had me choked up pretty good, but then again, I know these people and they all mean a lot to me. I think I posted a short review of it on DCP once when I first saw it. Really was sort of taken aback by it.

    The on the road Dvd's are always great. the 03 one rocked...it has an excellent "studio" recording of the show that I actually prefer to the field recording (it's a lot clearer, in tune, etc) and some other extras. the 06 show i think was the last one that had an on the road dvd. 04 had one too. i don't think 05 had one...if they did, I didn't get it (and that would've been very unusual for me).

    Hate to break this to you.............but yes, the Rhapsody program had an on the road DVD in 2005. One of my all time phavorites. It was such a refreshing show. :smile:

  5. Hasn't there always been controversy about this? That it was actually a Cavies or SCV person drawing attention to a perceived "weakness" in the show?

    Like there were weaknesses in that show.

    don't remember any controversy about that particular program other than the usual argument :lol: But Ii really think it was one of the corps' marching instructors that said Judges are you watching.

    Any alum care to pitch in her?

    BTW good music choices. LOVED '78 Regiment. The bird was truly on fire that night!

  6. forgive me for asking, but what are you talking about?

    I believe it's just before the famous sop "hit" in the closer. I'm pretty sure it was Chris Church showing his enthusiasm for the marching program the night of finals.

    If you have the DVD, watch very carefully, because when you hear "Judges are you watching" the corps forms what looks like an eye. truly effective. :lol:

  7. Anyone else going to the N. Western Ave. theater in Chicago?

    Looks like I will be going to that theater without knowing anyone else there (that I know of).

    Since we're getting up bright and early the next morning to drive to Bloomington, I don't want to make the trek out to the suburbs to meet up with family and friends that night and they don't want to drive in to the city.

    Hey Ang...keep an eye out for Spartacus' grandfather...I'll be there :tongue:

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