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Posts posted by Sutasaurus

  1. If my feeble memory serves me, I believe the audience participation began with the 1812 program. I know as souvie person for the corps, we occasionally made them and sold them at the trailer. We had some folks meet up with us on tour with shopping bags full of kabukis. Jen are you out there?

    The classic kabuki is a piece of hard candy taped to a length of crepe paper and rolled. Somehow, it morphed into throwing rolls of TP. I'm not sure if the event coordinators appreciate the aftermath but it sure is fun :worthy:

  2. Sheesh... this is about the 3rd or 4th thread related to how nobody can wait to hear what Phantom is playing this year. Take a f-ing chill pill, eh?? You people are acting like this is the second coming of christ or something. I'm glad you're all excited but take a deep breath, will yah??

    In comes the good air out goes the bad.......Gosh I can't wait to hear what the Regiment is playing!!!!!! So why did you go upset yourself by reading this thread? Take you're own advice and self medicate.

  3. Yes, I expect more from them visually, almost always have. 07 was a step in the right direction.

    DCP does enough gushing on them. You guys should be able to take a few critics without getting your feelings hurt.

    Thx my feeling are just fine Thanks for askin' :blink:

  4. No, no they weren't.

    The tempo was about 25 beats under 200 and about 4 members were running a 4 to 5. the rest were at about 6 to 5. OooOooOoo.....

    There is no defense. Your sound should be good throughout your drill, regardless of demand. If you can't do it while sounding good, then you need to break out the water hose on something.

    Tough crowd here tonight. So now it's time to complain because they'ye trying something new, you know, so their drill isn't so boring.... So it wasn't up to your standards? Seems to me a fair amount of people enjoyed it for what it was...no need for over processing. Why not apply for a drill writing job with them? Looks like they could use your help.

  5. But, but, but. . .that was the part where they did the cool bird flocky jazz runny thingy!

    Seriously. . .I completely agree. Anyone with half an ounce of musical objectivity should be able to call that spade. Phantom had some severe overblowing/balance issues the last minute of that show.

    *cue the people excusing the poor balance on their drill

    Your descriptive is "interesting" :blink: We all know where you stand when it comes to Regiment.

  6. Their endings are very hit and miss. 2000 was totally ######. 2001 was awesome. 2002 was cool. 2003 was boring as hell. 2004 was ok. 2005 was lukewarm at best. 2006 was awesome. 2007 was just a lame show overall.

    But they are no different than any other corps. Hit and miss.

    I'd almost rather sit through a cavaliers ending than phantom playing modulating chords that are horribly out of tune and blastissimo with the drums playing like Animal from the Muppets. Or BD whos endings always seem to come out of nowhere.

    I believe the "Hamonic Journey" you're referring to was just that. Obviously you didn't get it.

  7. What about "I think we're simply going to have to respectfully agree to disagree, and leave it at that." makes you think that all I want to do is argue?

    And when did discussion on a discussion forum become unwelcome? Not everything we talk about in the realm of drum corps, past or present, is going to happy, smiley advocacy of everything that's done. In the reply above, ~G~ expressed an opinion similar to mine, and did so in a respectful way. Are you going to dismiss that as "arguing"?

    Sorry Sue....That comment wasn't meant for you. It was for the author of the comment that folks who don't agree with his/her example of color guard just don't think(oldtimedrummer). I agree with your analysis and I believe you and G approach this topic with a fair amount of knowledge.

  8. Well, actually, you've said you can't believe that I have the opinion I do, and this comment -- "I really don't understand how some of you think, or maybe don't think." -- is pretty close to some replies you posted earlier to me.

    I think basically it's what someone said earlier, that you and I have a fundamental difference of what we expect to see on the field and/or floor. So we're never going to reconcile our beliefs one with the other. As another poster suggested, I think we're simply going to have to respectfully agree to disagree, and leave it at that.

    Hey Sue... Ready for the 2008 season? I am. Sure beats arguing with people.

  9. I'll go back to my 99 Blue Devils example. I don't see how anyone could say there's a guard from the 70's or 80's that's even on the same planet. Are you telling me they weren't as clean as guards from the 70's? Seriously?

    Seroiusly????? Not any cleaner. Did BD dance...yes they did. Did I take in all their dance....no not really. Is my opinion less valid? Nope, just my opinion. :worthy:

  10. I totally disagree. The demand of excellence argument doesn't outweigh all the additional skills that are required today, IMO. How can you say that shows today don't have the same level of cleanliness? Northern Lights 06 wasn't clean? Pride? Regardless it's not about cleanliness, it's about ACHIEVEMENT. Which teams achieve more? I'm an oldtimmer, but the answer is easy.

    You and Sue will agree to disagree. Demand meet execution. Execution meet demand. Both have their degree of importance. To me, it's the venue that dictates where the focus should be. When I'm sitting in a gymnasium watching a WGI performance, I can truly appreciate the demands placed on the individual performers because I am practically on top of them. When I'm in a large stadium, the dance steps just seem to be lost. It's those grand, sweeping, synchronized movements that really stand out and add an edge to a field performance.

  11. we must be from the same school of thought.

    the thing that strikes me most about today's designers is the anti-visual crescendo. The brass and drums reaching a big crescendo and the guard is dancing with little or no equipment. I always thought color was one of the best ways to emphasize the big impacts within the show structure.

    on the flip side...I love how much more integrated the guard is within the body of the rest of the corps. No more backfield off 25 yards waving to and fro...but right in the mix of things.

    my thoughts at this moment.

    Guess we're twin sons of different mothers Tom. A perfect example of this would be the entire guard passing through a rotating horn/drum box while spinning like mad. Makes me jump up and say Wow! :tongue:

  12. it only took 21 posts to bring out the homophopia in some people.

    <sarcasm> I think some think "modern guards" expose the possibility of..hold on...gay people...might just be associated with drum corps. I know it's a shock.

    Because of course before DCI there were no gays in drum corps, or the military, or on tv...well there was that Paul Lynde guy on Hollywood Squares and Charles Nelson Reilly on the Match Game...yep, it was the 70s that turned us all a bit more gay.


    Really, some people just need to get over the fact that life moves on. Fluid and not static. Wally and the Beav sleep together nowadays, not because they are gay incestuous lovers or anything, it's because Ward's been laid off for 2 years and June left him and went to college and the boys are eeking out a living working at WalMart and they have to share a beat up apartment with 4 other people. See...live changes...even for the Beaver.

    That's it...Tom Brace for President. :thumbup::tongue:

  13. Not buying it. I'm sorry, but I just do not see how The Cavaliers will fall out of the top 3 at any point during this decade. And certainly not 5th to Regiment. Nothing against Phantom but they are just not on the same level as the Cavaliers. If anything, Regiment will finish out of the top 5 because of Crown and/or the Bluecoats.

    As a side note, someone on the first page had Pioneer in last place. The sad thing was that Southwind beat them. Poor Pio. SW's not even coming out this summer!

    Not sure I buy your reasoning either. The past two years Cavies and Regiment have been pretty close score-wise on Finals night. A year ago you could have said you couldn't see Cavies drop out of the top two..... and where did they end up?

  14. I remember in '77, we were staying at a school in Englewood, CO and hearing that Elvis had died.

    Dewd...That is my exact recollection. We were on break crowding around a T.V. set up in a lunchroom. It was the only T.V. we saw all season.... and what do we hear "Elvis is dead". Bummer.

    Mike....I think our corps used those coal fired buses one summer.... at least that's what it smelled like

    riding behind Bus 3 :thumbup:

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