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Everything posted by HurcsGuyGD.

  1. Alliance not only makes finals but does some damage within the top 10. 7th place or so. They have the talent, show design and drive to pull this off. Your thoughts ?
  2. "Bushwackers - Again, as above, this is the first time since Bridgeport that I've seen Bush. Originally, I thought Oh my god, what was that? Man, was I pleasantly surprised. Right from the start, entering the field, they're performimg. They may have revoutionized the "flying start". Psycotic is a more than an appropriate word, in a good way, to describe this crazy, dark ride. Their 29 horns really impressed me with their contolled volumn and tone. Their guard, as usual, was amazing and their drums meshed well. Visually, they marched and played well, at the same time, might I add. You all know what I mean. Overall I loved their show and was happy to see how wrong I was about their chances of recovering after the Barnum show. I had them 3rd." You should have seen the concert they put on in the parking lot after the show. What an awsome treat Man these guys can play. I had them in 3rd as well
  3. Ok. I'll give it a few days to see if someone gives a review. If no one gives one, I'll do my best. Also, I like your past reviews for what it's worth. Hope you do them again in the future.
  4. Should I avoid doing a review for Bridgeport in two weeks ? Getting flamed/jumped doesnt bother me at all.
  5. My first post ever--but here goes......... The best of Motown! A little Stevie, some Smokey, aww heck why not--a little Ike and Tina! And let's not forget about those five piece duwpoppers a la Temptations, Stylistics, and the Delfonics. Not sure if it would translate well into drum corps but it would be an interesting thing to see. As far as an individual song I could picture a big explosive in-your-face Brass version of Mon Cherie Amor by good old Stevie Wonder. That would be the perfect opening statement as long as it becomes explosive and draws the crowd in near the second half. The best of Motown a la Empire?
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