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DCP Rookie

DCP Rookie (1/3)



  1. Why there so much hating of the Turquoise Noise and no other corps. Coulda sworn others have used voice etc before Teal did even in Open Class. If I remember no one said anything about BDB's voice last year.
  2. Only use them in pre-show though. Like how Phantom used the violin this year I think Teal could actually make it work. And haven't there been good cases of singing in the drum corps past... even in the old school days?
  3. I say Teal just needs to hire the 3 Tenors next season
  4. To a random look at how drum corps has come Teal just seems to be following a trend that has been set by the big boys in the past. This activity has changed from what it was way back in the day. As much as it pains me to say this but it will never go back to how it used to be. Its slowly gonna get changed from what we know to be DCI and Teal is just jumping on the ship early on and in a way carve their own path and make a name for themselves which there are very few corps today which still have that. Any teal person gets on and corrects me I wouldn't mind in the least bit. This is just my observation of what has been happening in the activity.
  5. I've watched the majority of the shows this season (all of the top 12 just from 17 on it gets a little fuzzy) Who had the best ballad this year?
  6. Yay some intelligence in this sea of not alot. I love teal to death and have liked their shows. They are one of the few div 2/3 corps (yes I will always use that) that I can always watch and know there will be a good show
  7. I wanna see phantom do a full jazz book this coming year...
  8. Bluecoats stripping by far and the chairs. Oh yeah and the easiness of a bunch of the shows this year.
  9. Patriot you don't have to be so harsh there. I almost completely agree with oldschool on this point. I liked Teal before this season as far as shows go but thats just because I am not a fan of narration and electronics. But I am just a youngin' and ignorant and probably not know what I am talking about. Teal in my opinion is just playing the game following the path that drum corps in general is taking. Slowly getting absorbed into BOA esq form of entertainment which many people are not minding in the least bit. Just my two cents
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