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Posts posted by mboogey73

  1. 13 minutes ago, Chief Guns said:

    Not to concerned with the scores tonight. This tends to happen quite a bit around this time of tour where someone pulls up in BDs rear view mirror, the world gets excited, then BD steps on the gas. Gonna wait until Allentown, and then see if anyone is near them. 

    We saw this last year about this time with BAC getting close.........2017 with SCV around ATL/Murfreesboro, I remember Crown got close around this time in 2012, maybe NightBeat............. heck even Cadets closed within a point of Felliniesque maybe around this time in 2014. 

    If anyone is within a point after next Saturday in Allentown, then we got something. 

    Not the least bit concerned. BD came in 3rd in GE with one judge, and was 3rd in colorguard. Despite all that Crusaders was only able to "close the gap" a minuscule amount.

    We good. 

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  2. I've tried to be optimistic about it, but the screamer doing the step up high notes while they're moving into the set for the big push in the ballad is not working. It's a distraction because it's very thin, shaky, and takes away from the ensemble. If dude could nail it every time with some power it would be a different story, but that's not what's happening. Save that screamer for the very last note he hits, which is much more impactful.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, MarimbaManiac said:

    Like irony, I don't think you're using that correctly. 

    Yes, most things are subjective, but saying their front ensemble book is "the hardest on the field" as the other poster stated is plainly wrong. It stems from the compositional choices of their arrangers, which is incredibly consistent. BD focuses on unison work, combined with flourishing technique to convey performance effect. I've worked with both Dave and Brian and that's just their style, and it trickles down to the other groups they teach. Fast runs, sure. 4 mallet independent mechanics, sure...but there are usually only 2 or 3 voices happening, it's concentrated into a lot of unison work so they can all move together which is a priority for them. SCV on the other hand focuses on a depth of orchestration, which means more people are doing their own thing, and is more difficult to align.

    It's two completely different approaches, one that prioritizes ease of cleanliness and synchronous movement, and one that prioritizes orchestration and complexity. 

    I didn't say front ensemble I said they would continuously win drums which includes the battery.

    Even if I gave you the point on the front ensemble, which I don't, I can assure you BDs battery book blows away the competition exponentially as far as difficulty is concerned every single year. Period.

    and I like how you said you weren't trying to say BD didn't deserve any of those titles, and you recently posted that Carolina crown should've ran away with the gold in 2009. Kayla today

  4. 22 minutes ago, MarimbaManiac said:

    Yes, interesting and exciting are general laymen descriptors that can be mapped to specific areas of the GE sheet. I've been of the opinion for years that most GE judges are too heavily weighting cleanliness vs. effect. Clarity of intent is only one aspect of the sheets, but tend to be leaned on heavily. It's easy to point to cleanliness when you don't fully understand how to quantify the more elusive sections of the categories. 

    Again, BD knows this and they design with cleanliness in mind over anything else. For instance, in 2009 Crown should have run away with the gold. Their show was unique, and daring, and engaging, and incredibly difficult. BD did the same thing they always do, and was marginally cleaner. That's a failure of judging and the general judging paradigm. When we're talking about the top 3 corps who are all achieving at roughly the same level, effect and innovation should win the day, hands down. 

    So difficulty is the most important factor?  At some point execution has to matter.  And you're not paying attention if you think some of what BD does visually is just stuff that's easy to clean. 

    Using your logic BD should win drums pretty much every year because their book is consistently exponentially harder than anyone else.  This year included. 

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  5. Second show in a row where the percussion content score was fine with the achievement score lagging. I'll say it once again, curious to see if ScoJo breaks out the hose or rides it out. I'm obviously a complete homer, but I'm a firm believer that a few Sanford's have been left on the field the last few years because the book was outrageously difficult.

    • Like 2
  6. 24 minutes ago, DrumManTx said:

    Find it interesting with all the BD dominance talks and talks of record breaking that the spreads beneath them are about a half a point closer than they were last year at this time and they lost a lot more subcaptions.  9 this year versus 4 last year.  

    Are they still dominant and probably gonna go undefeated?  Absolutely.  Consistently 1-3 in all captions is gonna do that when everyone below them in the rest of the top 4 has subs as low as 5th - 8th.  But maybe a few more cracks this year than last year.  They’re amazing at what they do as always.  BAC got REALLY close last year and is closing in again like they did Atlanta week 2022.  I’m feeling a little competitive tension at the top.  

    Crusaders have a chance to make it interesting as far as running up on BD. Everyone else is out of luck in that regard. Bluecoats success in the last few years is in no small part due to their percussion scores, and that's lagging quite a bit this year. Ditto  Crown with their brass numbers, and the fact their drumline just ain't it. 

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  7. Can't wait to see the show live. I'll be at the Winston-Salem show later this month.

    As good as that screamer is I'm curious to see if they keep all of it in the ballad.  It's spotty at the moment.  

    As usual, Scott Johnson swinging for the fences with a ridiculously hard book. Those rim shots in the solo are very difficult to clean and nail consistently. 

    Obviously, the closer is not done and that should be something to see once they finish it.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Chief Guns said:

    Just went back and viewed the retreat from 2013 and 2016. I guess the Crown and Bluecoats performers forced BDs performers to hug/embrace, and put huge smiles on those BD faces after scores were announced. 

    Don’t even bother. Best response to haters is often no response. BDs continued dominance does all the talking we need. 


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