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Everything posted by GoldenGirl

  1. As 2011 Drum Major for Gold, I would like to correct the inaccurate assumptions about our first out-of-state tour to Denver this year. Gold was not only fed three meals a day out of a 28 foot food wagon while on tour, but we also stayed in hotel rooms for most of our tour unlike any other drum corps in DCI (read: complimentary breakfast). In addition, the corps had meals professionally catered at several of the Southern CA shows. Several staff members of both VK and Impulse ate with the corps at these shows. You can ask them how well Gold is fed during the season. I apologize for any misconstrued impressions you have heard, but our 2011 members and our alumni can vouch that we are probably the best fed, best slept and best traveled corps in the activity. If you have any concerns about how Gold travels and how our members are treated, please feel free to volunteer on tour with us next year. I know that our very dedicated volunteers from this season would be devastated to hear that their hard work is being undermined. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope my post clears things up. In response to the original post/comment, thank you for your kind thoughts about us. We are certainly trying to make it out further east and support from people like you makes it all possible. We hope to have your support in the upcoming years, as well. =) Sincerely, Isabel Garcia 2011 Drum Major Gold Drum & Bugle Corps
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