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Everything posted by Twelveyearvet

  1. Well phrased! I personally believe the Colts are on their way back with a vengeance! The staff changes are making a huge splash, and the members are hungry for that saturday show!
  2. I find some of these prediction VERY surprising. Especially those putting Colts out of semi's. The Colts (16th) were 1.15 points away from thirteenth place at semifinals, an incredibly tight space. Not to mention the fact that this was indeed a weak year for the Red Team. With some momentous changes in staff, along with there remaining to be the possibility of a wonderful design, I totally see the Colts having no problem knocking people down the list. Keep in mind that their fiftieth is right around the corner. My prediction for 2012 is the Red Team marches the Saturday show once again. All the best!
  3. I didn't mean to say that winning isn't a big deal. It is. It's just not nearly the most important thing. This activity was started, simply enough put, to help out kids and get them off the streets out on the east coast. This activity is about family, about brotherhood. Not a ring, or a medal.
  4. Good to see some people on here still understand this activity isn't about ring chasing.
  5. With the very pointed changes in staff this year, the Colts will be a force to be reckoned with. According to a friend in the know, it's true the numbers are down. But they are confident that the design, instruction and music, all of which are being kept under wraps at this point, are going to make DCI rethink the Colts. I've been around the organization long enough to be able to tell when a change is coming on. I may be wrong, but I have a gut feeling about 2012.
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