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Band Diddles

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Everything posted by Band Diddles

  1. I beleive BD is with Ludwig this year.
  2. 1. Phantom 08 2. Bluecoats 08 3. Crown 09 4. Phantom 2010 5. Cadets 07 6. Cavies 2010 Other great options- Cavies 06, 08 Phantom 06, 07 Crown 08 Cadets 2010 SCV 09 Madison 2010 BD 06, 07 Blue Stars 2010
  3. 1. Minnesota Brass 2. Reading Buccaneers 3. Empire Statesmen 4. Hurricanes 5. Renegades 6. Cadets 2 7. KIdsgrove Scouts 8. Cabs/Tampa Bay Thunder 9. Tampa Bay Thunder/Cabs 10. Corpsvets 11. Fusion Core 12. Kilties/Bushwackers 13. Kilties/Bushwackers Not based on anything. Just kinda what I would like to see happen. Updated.
  4. They are the Blue Devils. They don't care about fan request or the fans in general; only about winning. So you're request or any like it probably won't be happening any time soon. Not hating on them but it's true and they're really freaking good at it.
  5. Very true thank you, I edited the post. Didn't mean to bash the corps in any way it just wasn't a good fit for me.
  6. Yea Eric this is Joseph from last season haha. I have auditioned at another corps but it didn't work out for a number of reasons.
  7. On most sites there is usually only an email for the percussion caption head and sometimes a phone number for the director but I will definitely start calling and check out Oregon Crusaders as well. Thanks.
  8. I have emailed 11corps. My main problem is that I haven't gotten many responses. 5 out of 11 have responded and only and 2 out of those 5 have openings. One is a world corps with one spot not yet set and call backs seeking to fill it like you pointed out. The other is an open class corps that currently has openings. I don't see my chances being very high for the world corps considering how late it is to jump in to try and snag that last spot and the open class corps currently has openings but they have a camp this weekend and said they would let me know if any spots remain after the camp. I just posted this hoping percussion techs and members from various corps would see it and let me know if their corps happen to have any openings since emailing hasn't been working very well. I know occasionally people do have to drop out due to money or family issues or whatever reason it may be and I am willing to fill those spots as well. I'll continue my search till the end of April but this is just another attempt to put myself out there in addition to sending emails.
  9. Hey DCP I know its pretty late for this but I really want to march this summer. I posted in the World Class section so more people see this but I am also interested in any openings in open class as well as world. If anyone knows any corps that haven't fully set their snarelines yet please let me know. Thanks.
  10. The battery has had a great turn out. Lots of talent there and more coming but the front ensemble has been very very small the past two camp and brass has been in the low 40s the past two camps. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as small numbers. Just saying.
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