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Everything posted by 2muchcoffeeman

  1. depends on how long the delay is. The corps gets dinged 0.x points for very Y seconds/minutes of delay
  2. I know next to zero about brass, but I've always really loved the Stars' brass sound. I love the color and power of BK's horns; I love the purity of tone and laserlike edges to Crown's brass sound; but what I love about Blue Stars is the breadth and openness and . . . balance? Is that the word? It just never sounds harsh or compact or overly concentrated.
  3. If woodwinds ever are legalized for DCI, I imagine they will be small-ish ensembles on stages near the FE with micorphones
  4. Ironic isn't quite the word, I don't think. Symmetrical, maybe. Poetic. It would, however, be a change from the recent past. 2015, for example.
  5. Makes you wonder why horns aren't made in different colors to fit a show. Gold is just another color; why not red, or blue? Probably because it would dramatically limit the aftermarket.
  6. yeah, good question. I think the most recent era would be what young people today would have in mind, because that is what they know. But how do you bottle that?
  7. In the Indy airport on the Sunday after the conclusion of the 2012 Troopers season -- the steampunk show -- the CEO sat down with some of the members in the terminal and asked what kind of show they wanted for 2013. "A Troopers show," they said. Something more Troopers. They got "Magnificent 11." Here's hoping the BK members and their admin have a similar moment.
  8. It's true in every corps at every level. But the member experience in BK is just a bit extra of all that, and the emotions run very deep. It's a powerfully attractive quality that a lot of potential members seek out.
  9. At least through 2019 they announced prelims and semis scores through the shows during breaks, revealing the scores of the final block after the last corps. There's a ton of drama just in that final block alone. The penultimate block contains the drama of who makes finals and who does not. As a member, and as a parent, those moments are seared into my memory. I'd be surprised if DCI has changed their practice.
  10. 2022 is certainly the Season of Fortitude, for sure. Kind of a minor miracle that so many units have been able to get to the finish line, considering all the headwinds in the activity generally and this year especially.
  11. Gotta wonder what performing after BK and Xmen is going to mean for Troopers. Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. Performers still gotta perform.
  12. Troopers are basically doing 1979 again. Even the corps around them are in on it.
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