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Everything posted by PRomoter

  1. Well said. It’s always like a game of chicken this part of the tour. Who will stop adding new stuff last?
  2. My daughter and I crank up old PR shows when we drive. We are shameless in our volume and exuberance.
  3. Actually I just watched Little Rock and on multi-cam I saw a lot of individual confusion on the field, as though they tried to make way too many changes all at once. Lots of missing ticks and gaps. And you just have to hit straight lines every time. I also heard some pretty rough intonation. Hopefully the powers that be are trying to shore up final changes now so they can just clean from here on. Maybe add the chevron and kick out, but no more changes. Clean, clean, clean.
  4. Has anyone figured out where to yell “SUTA” yet???
  5. I noticed this morning that there are the same number of points between PR and 11 th place as there is in them moving to 6th. That’s a big gap, and means there’s room for a lot of movement in the next couple of weeks. 6-10 are very tight right now.
  6. I do want to say, and I’m sure we all agree, PR’s unis this year are excellent. I love the traditional look, but I also find the new style, along with letting members have a little more of their own individuality is right on.
  7. TRUE. And how backwards is that? Judges are supposed to judge based on execution, not personal preference or politics. Maybe we should pick judges that are Phantom fans and force a PR win on the other corps. Sure, the other fans might be disenfranchised, but, hey, that’s show biz, baby.
  8. Oh my gosh! 1993 was a killer show. One of my absolute favorites. Often overlooked. The Land Workers. Fire of Eternal Glory. Death Hunt. INCREDIBLE. It had it all.
  9. Great thoughts! I still say I’d prefer them to be a top 6 corps consistently doing a show like this year than a medaling corps doing weirdness instead of the quality music (IMO of course) and drill we all love. They might not be mutually exclusive, but, if they are, I hope they stay true to what their fans love.
  10. I’d love to see them score higher, and I do think they may move upward yet, but I’d prefer they keep the style of show they are doing now over what I see so many others doing, which I do not find to be near as entertaining. It’s like my wife says when we go to Disney. “I like the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom, the projection, lights and pyro are amazing, but when it comes to ‘you want to see some real fireworks that will melt your face,’ nothing compares with Epcot. It’s old school.” Phantom is the Epcot fireworks.
  11. To clarify, I like the synth bass pads when used well. I do not like amplifying the brass. I think there may be something to say about solos and duets being reinforced, but only enough to where you lean in to the person next to you and say, “are they amplifying the trumpet soloist, or is that my imagination?”
  12. Love his name. Always sounds like someone just made up a name and said, “Bill Johnson will fix it. He can fix anything!”
  13. What a great performance! I thought they wouldn’t be able to top last year for me, but this is such a great show. I think this will be one we fans are listening to loooooong after this season. I also have to say the guard has really stepped it up in the last week. There is some killer rifle work going on. I’m not a huge fan of pumping up the volume on the front ensemble, nor the ethereal ahhs, but I am old school. I loved ‘93 when they were out in the field. However, I love the bass reinforcement, and the bass drops add a lot.
  14. The last minute of the Mahler reminds me of a Cadets show. Looks like a kaleidoscope with all the fractal geometrical shapes changing at break-neck speed. Cadets are famous for that. Anyone else notice the beginnings of the needed movement to form the chevron happening just before the push forward at the end, or am I imagining things?
  15. I second that. It’s old school in all the right ways.
  16. Now that is what drum corps is all about!!!!!!!!!! Great job, PR
  17. Mahler is tear jerking and leaves you with a smile as well
  18. That duet kills me every time. So beautiful.
  19. Oh. My. God. For those of you afraid of intonation, I’d say that problem is all but gone tonight. And lots more even ensemble playing. I know they aren’t moving, but Dang!
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