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college-phan last won the day on July 23 2021

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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Phantom Regiment
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    2003 Phantom Regiment Semifinals
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
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  1. Are these lots free or paid? I know they said there were lots on campus, but they didn’t mention if you had to pay or not.
  2. Hasn’t been penalized or called out yet, so I guess not
  3. This is exactly why Phantom is starting to edge out Crown in the Music caption. Phantom does a bunch of stuff very well. Crown could probably do the same (and then some), but they’re stuck in the same formulaic arranging and philosophy that suited them well seven to ten years ago but has grown tired and worn out. In trying to combat this trend, they’ve doubled down on this approach when they should be doing the opposite. None of this is mentioning the other design issues they have across the board that are holding them back this year.
  4. This. I used to be a huge Crown fan but the past few years have just been stale from a brass arranging perspective. The corps is talented, but I think the strategy Crown is pursuing in arrangements isn’t showing that off well.
  5. Better yet, the scores set up VERY well for Phantom to take fourth. Looks like Crown has ran out of room to grow in GE and is barely holding on to its edge there. They also lost music to Phantom tonight for probably the first time in 10 or more years. Narrow the visual deficit a bit and fourth is ripe for the taking. I cannot believe I’m typing this out but I am ecstatic.
  6. Glass half empty: It’s another boring year in the race for first. Glass half full: BD isn’t in first.
  7. All good! Probably shouldn’t have said anything myself when I saw them in the post, but the excitement took over!
  8. Phantom is catching lightning in a bottle. I don’t know if they make it competitive with Crown, much less catch them, but this is a huge year for them to announce their return to the elite of the activity.
  9. Did Phantom have amplification issues last night? I thought it was Flo’s mics that were at fault.
  10. Pretty sure Phantom’s mellos won that battle with the Flo mics
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