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Posts posted by AlexL

  1. Some of my yearly shows are on the same day!!! :(

    Rockford/Toledo :music:

    Lisle/Belding :music:

    yeah.. seems to be a bit of that this year.... hoping this isnt totally final.. that its an early schedule, subject to change, as they normally are when they start handing out schedules this time of year.. it seems a bit weird for minnesota brass to not be scheduled at the mankato, mn show..

  2. The main problem with auditioning out of state, is that not everyone that passes the audition can afford to march. So unless you overbook like most airlines. You're more likely to create holes, than to fill them. Especially if the ones who didn't pass the audition were relatively local.

    Economically, it is an extra costs for the corps doing it. Which ultimately gets passed on to the marching members who take up the slack in higher member dues. Which results in fewer people being able to afford to march, which results in higher dues, which results in ........

    iirc, most of the corps are holding first audition camps out of state, but the rest in their home cities. so yes, they will overbook and tell more people theyre good enough to come to another camp, but contracts probably wouldnt happen until the 2nd or 3rd camp most likely. It gives them a chance to get through the first cut without spending a ton on plane flights.

  3. yeah but at the time there was no div 1 corps here.....now it just seemes like an overload of audtions in texas.......really how bout a state that is drum corpsless...like oklahoma for example

    yes, but since its been going on for years, the administration at crossmen surely had to know that other corps already recruit down there. If they didnt account for this id be quite surprised. I might have more sympathy if Crossmen were founded in texas long ago, and corps were starting to 'invade their turf', but this is just not the case.

  4. I would, for accuracy sake, like to point out that LaCrosse is closer to Madison than Minneapolis. Carry on please.

    its about the same... depends where in which city youre talking about, as mapquest puts the distance between LaX-Minneapolis and LaX-Madison within 10 miles of each other...

    minneapols however is a lot easier to get in and out of with flights and driving..

  5. yeah.. the only time i enjoyed hearing it was at finals.. it was pretty sweet then, but at the same time, row row row your boat with 1000 horn players is pretty sweet too... AoC again wouldve been much better.

    in the rest of the shows with just 2 corps playing it it was god awful. such a long piece and you might play it once every 3 weeks... which means its well gone from memory each time you pick it up again.

  6. soda, like anything else in this world, is fine if used appropriately and with common sense.

    rehearsals, why would you want to?

    after? why not? drink whatever you want but be prepared for the next day.

    we were never told we couldnt have it either.

    yeah, exactly... after drinking pop id make sure i had even more water later to make up for whatever effect the caffeine mightve had. and... i didnt drink it in the hottest days.. like Oklahoma and kansas.. but otherwise, had it after shows all the time.

    it all boils down to being smart about it. a can of pop isnt bad here or there... chugging a 2 liter is going to make your next day suck.

  7. camps along I-35 makes it very nice and easy to drive to for anyone along the I-35 corridor through iowa, missouri, kansas, oklahoma, antd texas.

    Minneapolis just makes much more sense for monthly camps, with how many are flying in and out. Many flying into LaX probably would be flying into MSP and getting a ride over to wherever the camp was anyways, given cheaper and greater availability of flights into MSP. Camps have been held in the minneapolis area for a few years now, but everydays have still been in the LaX area.... the corps is far from abandoning its roots.

  8. Id leave it at home for a few reasons:

    1. high risk of it getting damaged... stuff gets damaged a lot on tour.. if you cant afford to lose your laptop, dont bring it.

    2. where to put it? space is always a premium on the bus, and a laptop is going to take quite a bit of your space away that could probably be better used on bus food\drinks, other supplies.. etc.

    3. theres really not that much time to use your computer, and most of that time you wont have access to a wireless connection to use that internet. and even if you do find wireless, theres a good chance it will cost you if its at a truck stop.

    4. could be bad for your computer... if you have to leave your laptop on the bus a lot, sitting in the heat all day could be very bad for it, especially for the lifetime of your laptop's battery.

  9. It is no different than a warm up, but it is not fair to the corps members who do not get to stand and look at that crowd that they are getting ready to blow away.

    i cant speak for everyone obviously, but i felt i got plenty of that chance.. and wow was it amazing.

    another thought.. in your opinion is it fair then for corps members when their show starts with the whole corps facing backfield (which a lot do), as they dont get to look at the crowd either?

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