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Everything posted by theonlyfizzle

  1. Absolutely! At some point they will, but i am always questioning when. However i do think they will have to come out the gate with that show that says we are leaving no stones unturned, not saying they haven't in any year but for example like a 2014esque kind of situation. In my theory i think the judges wont be as easy on them, plus we don't know the quality designs coming out across top corps that may be coming for blood, so considering all the factors yes they can, but it depends on the designs BD and other corps churned out. Because it could a ........ 2013, 2016, 2018 situation. They would have to definitely look at the years they could have three peat already, and see what they need to do or, not do to secure to that #1 from the get go, it's all in the approach IMHO. They can do it, realistically.
  2. It has been an unforgettable season, especially one for Boston Crusaders, who leaves no questions in anyone's mind that they can medal, and not only just medal but can take it all eventually. They are well set on their way for the future season.
  3. that's truly and factually Valid but it's a competition and people get nasty when they disagree over who should or shouldn't win so....................... what do you say to those who disagree with BD winning and throwig tantrums protests ? Those are the tears i enjoy! Yes i enjoy. They can disagree, that's their rights, but in the manner they do it is what is appalling and borderline disgusting. Like they forget those are all hard working kids, who could have been doing something else over the summer. Every corps deserves respect no matter where they are placed, and how they have been scored. To me All the kids win from just doing this and improving themselves to finals weekend. They all should be celebrated not Booooed. Again Disagree but be respectful. Boston, I truly am proud of Bostons kids for the impeccable showmanship,talented and just really great performers. Bluecoats for being so daring and refreshing, they are truly amazing and i love the show. I didn't like the unis at first but then i like them now. This year they just says to everyone how adventurous they are and not afraid to. Crown i respect them because they have been resilient and talented kids. I am not a fan of this years show, but i appreciate aspects of "right here, right now" but i don't focus on being negative towards the kids. I enjoy the music the most, and a lot more.... I am most happy for Cadets and Phantom...... They are BACK! need i say more.... and the list could go on all corps. But if certain people in and out on social media, at indie keeps bashing the kids from any corps in the name of disagreement, in the most distasteful ways, then yes i will drink their tears with every ounce of joy in my body.
  4. Twice i heard boooos, first when crown scores were announced and second when BD scores announced. I think i see a pattern with a certain fan base of a certain corps, however i will not assume the booosers faves but there's a pattern yearly.
  5. 🤣..............................................................................................................................................🤣
  6. Sorry i replied to wrong post.. Yes it's the same every year. It's gotten so old to me now. They cry foul against BD all the time, but it's a pass for ever other corps especially their faves. I get tired of even giving them attention, but on the other hand they make competition even sweeter. they've been sweetening those tears LOL.
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