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Posts posted by MikeRapp

  1. The next and smartest step is for all old timers to quite dissing band and realize they are our future. I used to do it myself and refused to even join band in school since it wasn't cool. What I see now days is a very big difference.

    I changed my outlook so I'm sure anyone else can too.

    I certainly understand having a hard time transitioning from a DCI corps to band, but come on, the future of the activity is sitting in band rooms -- and especially in band directors' offices. I had a very good marching band in high school in Toledo and not one of us had a clue about Glassmen. We had at least a dozen kids who would have been capable of marching at that level, but no one ever even came to address us from our own hometown corps. And we won marching competitions.

    I know that the established corps now do this as a part of their marketing, but looking down your nose at high school and college band is just cutting off your nose to spite your face. Sure it's a massive step down, and of course 90% of those kids wouldn't make it past the first day of training, but the other 10% would certainly be able to contribute.

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  2. not enough shows in the region to make that work.

    Which is why the best thing DCI can do is help young corps grow their organization in a responsible way. It seems as if they learned a hard lesson in the 90s by pushing too hard for corps to go World Class and tour beyond their means. When a DCI finalist folds, it sends shock waves through the entire activity at every level. The mission cannot be to win medals, it has to be to build culture and educate young people.

    You're not going to be the Blue Devils, Cadets or SCV in a year, or even in 10 years. Make sure The Brigade and these new young corps KNOW what the mistakes are they MUST avoid. Cannot allow another Glassmen.

  3. The Corps that finishes 4th tomorrow in the Quarters is probably out of contention, no matter how close the spread. The only saving grace would be if they jumped up 2 spots to 2nd in the Semi's ( and even that probably won't do it, as 95% of the time the Corps that wins the Semi's wins the Title the following nite ).

    So tomorrow nite we are highly likely to be down to 3 Corps ( could be just 2.. depending on the spread ) for the 2015 Title.

    But how often is it this close, 1-4? Most of the time, the corps that won Atlanta won the title. The last time it was this close at the top was probably Spartacus, and we all know how that turned out.

    • Like 1
  4. I placed a long review & prediction post in the Show Review section after enjoying Allentown again (just finished). Here's my predicted placements, with long explanations in the review.

    1. Crown

    2. BD

    3. Cadets

    4. Bluecoats

    5. SCV

    6. Blue Knights

    7. Phantom Regiment

    8. Madison Scouts

    9. Cavaliers

    10. Boston Crusaders

    11. Blue Stars

    12. Crossmen


    I am curious about how Lucas Oil might impact the effect of the performances, most notably for Bluecoats. You have a whole lot of people in that stadium who have never seen these shows live, if at all. You could see a little Spartacus effect in Indy for Bluecoats.

  5. Demand will carry you through the first couple weeks of the season when everyone is rough on execution. When late July and August roll around you better be clean, no mater what your demand is, if you want those top numbers. The cleaner you are the more individual mistakes stand out...Cadets program is very much on this fine edge.

    They march a clean how and watch those performance numbers pop. GE may be close to being maxed out on the visual element due to limitations in programming/staging with the guard. Not much that can be done to fix that at this point in the game, just keep cleaning for every tenth in performance.

    This year, there just isn't one show that "has it all" —the best show I've seen in recent history that would have that was Angels & Demons.

    At this (exact) point in the season, it is clear that there are four corps that are, on any given night, worthy of the gold medal. How "clean" each of them are quite literally depends on how heavily you factor in each of their respective show styles, and who is judging. The level of difficulty and proficiency for each of these corps is so high that any of them could win the gold and there would be great support for them. But the judges have seen these shows so many times now that they are watching and listening for the previous mistakes, and either you're able to fix them or you're not.

    Personally, I think the recent growth of the activity, and the obvious closeness of scores in general, tells me that the diversity of approaches is making the entire activity better. I mean, there are four elite corps right now that are not named Cavaliers, Regiment or Vanguard—three of the biggest brand names in the activity. And you see Blue Knights creeping into that arena, and you also see Cascades making their own unique impression as a new corps.

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  6. Does anyone but the hard core fans and parents of members care that much about how tight the scores are?

    I tend to believe that attendance is up because there are now five very compelling shows to see every night. The uniqueness between the corps is really apparent now, and people now seem to get why they need to come see a certain show, whether it is getting a 92 or an 82 is irrelevant,


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  7. I'd like to see interviews with professional musicians, producers, dancers and choreographers etc... who have marched DCI and have them talk about what they learned from their DCI experience and how it has impacted their current professional work.

    That really would be fantastic, and frankly informative for most who follow the activity. Would also be great to focus on some high school feeder programs.

  8. Probably the only thing that annoys me about this show is that announcement setup lol. I love everything else about this show. So awesome musically. Them and BD are probably the only 2 corps this year where I enjoy EVERYTHING about their music arrangements. I have small nitpicks or annoyances with everyone else

    What I really like is that it is now quite clear that they have established a way to do what they do and they know their niche in the DCI landscape. Same with Crown. And of course BD and Cadets. Those four are clearly headed in a direction and they know what that is.

    Vanguard is fifth, and I think they just suffer from living in BD's long shadow. There's a big gap between those five and everyone else in the field, IMO.

  9. It's when everyone's back field behind the speakers and the trumpets start staggering in as the guard does with the second set of flags. The section leading into the ballad.

    Very cool moment, where if you haven't seen the show you are wondering how they did it.

    I still love the ballad.

    But I still think their third act doesn't have something it needs. The new ending is better than the old one, but is it enough? Even with all the changes and cleaning they still have not finished ahead of BD or Cadets head to head. You know both of those corps will continue to get bigger scores, probably topping out in the 95-96 range. Hard to see how they get to 96 without something really surprising being added.

  10. First, is it realistic to think that the top five could reach scores in the high 90s given none are even at 90 yet? What were the top five scores last year at this point of the season?

    Second, it seems that Bluecoats are fighting for third place, yes? I know anything can happen, and they have a terrific show, but they have not finished above third in any competition that included Cadets and BD. Even with the bizarre hiccup in Cadets percussion scores last night they finished behind them. Just seems like their show lacks something that the judges are looking for.

  11. If they were 65-ish, they didn't march in the Blue Devils when they were winning, if they ever did march. I marched in BAC in the somewhat bad old days of the late 60's. We were regularly booed in Massachusetts, and occasionally even spit at by blowsers entering the stadium. We did our talking on the field. Today at shows, I keep my mouth shut unless it's to cheer for something I appreciate. I never lose sight of the fact that every competitor works harder than we ever did "back in the day". Most importantly, the competitors are someone else's kids. These days, that crap is not tolerated in the stands in Massachusetts. If it occurs, people should not hesitate to speak up. If that should lead to unpleasantries, well then its a trip in the drum corps time machine, when the fans were a cross between roller derby and a biker bar.

    Perhaps the loss of so many "great" corps over the years, coupled with the possibility that this whole activity could go away, made the entire DCI marketplace a lot more humble and a lot more supportive of anyone who tries to make this work.

    Despite (and perhaps because of) all of the G7 stuff, it is very cool to see BD travel across the country to support BAC. I dare say that might not be the case back in the so called glory days of DCI.

    I for one truly love how all of you support all of these corps, even the ones who are never very good and never will be. Tells me the activity has its heart in the right place.

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  12. An honest question here: With the history and traditions of both cavies and scouts, would you really want to see females put into those corps? I'm not a feminist by any means, but a scout would not be a scout and a cavalier would not be a cavalier in those masculine identified uniforms, especially in the horn and drum lines if females were allowed in. But, then again Annapolis and West Point have allowed females in and they look pretty d*** good in those uniforms!

    We're I of marching age, and I don't say this as a smart ###, I would rather spend the summer traveling around with 40 hot chicks then a bunch of sweaty dudes, but that is just me!

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  13. This might be a bigger issue if cavies were not so close to phantom and madison not so close to blue stars. These are all wonderful organizations that can accommodate all the talent of their areas. So let phantom have all female guard and cavies and madison hold to tradition and be all male. There are corps fits for everyone.

    I honestly don't know how widespread the four corps you are mentioning recruit new members and financial support. But it only stands to reason that corps that are all one gender are going to have to work harder to recruit viable members, and will probably have to find benefactors who are committed to the single gender concept.

    Personally, I think it is cool that the cavaliers and scouts exist as they do now, but it pains me to see the scouts in particular struggle to make finals. I read so much about how difficult it has been for them to raise necessary funding, and I hope they can get more stability and return to being a title contender without abandoning their unique mission.

    I am not naive, I realize that were either of these corps go to co-ed status it would result in many of their current supporters bailing on them. They may be in worse condition than they are now financially.

  14. 2011 also. Cadets were dirtier than some but the judges loved the show design.

    I get the feeling this year will come down to execution. Too close to call right now but the early scores indicate that if cadets get clean they have the advantage. Bluecoats may have the concept. Blue Devils is more of the very successful same. Crown and SCV being just behind, and it is early. Very. Brass will come down to Crown/BD/Cadets. Cadets probably take Percussion and music. GE looks like cadets or BD. Visual looks like BD. All at these early stages.

    The wild card is Bluecoats, which will almost certainly get massive fan reaction with what many judges may feel is a concept that depends too much on electronics. Like it or not, they have pushed the envelope so far that even if they deserve to win gold, they may not get it out of concern for what it says about the direction of DCI.

  15. Crown's show is the only show I've seen and heard this year that I can listen to over and over and over again. Play, repeat, repeat... the music is incredible. Crown is right in the mix. Percussion is sounding better than ever. Guard is awesome. Brass is, well, just another incredible Crown brass line - ho hum! Keep it going Crown!

    I would add Bluecoats to that list.

    And definitely not add BD. Not like last year where I liked BD's book, this year add me to the list of those who just don't get their theme or execution of it. But I also know that no matter what, BD will deservedly be there in the end because they are always among the best in the field in their show production and playing proficiency.

    I am just glad that Crown appears to have "gone back" to being a drum corps. The trampolines were an eye roller, and when you play and march as good as they do, you don't need trampolines!

    I would also agree that there seems to be a very obvious (and deserved) dropoff between the top 5 and the next level of the field. Huge gap. And growing.

  16. Brace yourself, the winds of change are coming! Let the real battle begin!

    I get that there isn't one corps running away with it, but aren't these the same five corps that are at the top of the standings literally every year?

    Also, I get that the reason for this is multiple, but would I be correct in assuming that the average experience of the members of these corps is significantly greater than the rest of the field?

  17. 2011... It's not like they're fighting to stay in finals like the Scouts. The lowest they've gone is 7th or 8th in 2012. Their years of succes in the 2000s show that being an all male corps has nothing to do with it.

    Maybe it is just me, but it seems like the DCI of the last few years has very little in common with the DCI of the era The Cavaliers dominated.

    Please don't get me wrong, I think the traditions of the Scouts and Cavaliers are among the things that make DCI what it is. But it just seems like the Haves are getting bigger, better and farther ahead of the Have Nots, and when you start with half the eligible members not being eligible to even audition, I don't know how you can hope to compete at the Have level.

  18. That's not a valid point. When was the last time many coed corps were medalists or champions. The Gender of the members does not hinder the corps.

    How many championship level corps are there that are no longer in that group? Not many, for sure, in in fact maybe not any that are still active except the only two that are the all male corps.

    Some of my all time favorite shows are the Cavalier gold medal shows, btw.

  19. Did it hinder the Cavies? No.

    When was the last time The Cavaliers were a medalist? It seems as if one of the biggest challenges of any corps is to start with a base of talent, expeirence and support that gives you a chance to compete with the top half of dci. When you start with half of the eligible population ineligible, that seems like a difficult if not impossible hurdle jump.

    Look at the Blue Stars, not far from Madison. 15 years ago would anyone have believed that they would be regularly garnering scores higher than the Scouts? To me, you have to ask whether their non gender specific application helps them compete.

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