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Everything posted by shofmon88

  1. I agree. I really admire the dedication of every corps member shaving their head as well. I'm sure a few were probably unhappy about that (at least at first).
  2. I feel like Mandarins had a cleaner and more energetic run than the Scouts are having, yet the Scouts are definitely better performers... this is gonna come down to the wire (it had better, at least).
  3. I have a few there's going to be a lot of anger at scores tonight...
  4. That show literally had me in tears. Mandarins gave that all they had. That was clean, it had energy for days, and I don't think I've ever been so sold on a show. Best show of the season, BAR NONE.
  5. Mandarins! Bring it home. Loved your show all season, now give it all you've got!
  6. As much as I rail against the increasing prominence of guards in DCI, I do love good unison guard work.
  7. Every form is perfect and exact, except for one member, who by design is slightly out of the form, in every set.
  8. SCVC is having a clean, confident run. I'll buy what they're selling!
  9. I just noticed that Troopers are marching 14 tubas. That's kind of a weird number, but better than 12 like so many other corps. Give us that acoustic bottom end!
  10. Musically, I love this show. Will definitely be one I listen to after the season is over.
  11. Aren't those the A corps' 2014 uniforms? Also, it still amuses me that BDB has a cymbal line, when the A corps hasn't had one since... I don't even know. The 80s?
  12. This makes me want to go see what Aussie beers I could pair with finals. Granted, the selection here isn't nearly as good at the US... Would it be a faux pas to start drinking at 7am? (when finals starts here)
  13. The feels are going to continue to run strong in this next block. 5 corps will be performing their last show. The Mandarins will be extremely interesting to watch. I guarantee they will absolutely throw down. This is already the corps' best season, and they're on the cusp of finals. Emotions are going to be high after they perform.
  14. SoA has come a long way in the last few seasons. I definitely enjoy this show, and I'm looking forward to what they put on the field next year.
  15. Pacific Crest always seems to have a hornline that punches above its weight. I remember how loud and clear they were at DATR in 2014.
  16. Was definitely an early entry. However, I also noticed the drop in audio quality, which has now been fixed again as I write this.
  17. Though that early entry was strong enough to almost be a cool effect.
  18. Everyone knows that the top 12 is crowded. Well, that's nothing compared to what 13-25 is becoming.
  19. Audio quality was just noticeably bumped. Someone is listening apparently. Still not quite up to yesterday, but way better than it was.
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