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8va fff

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Everything posted by 8va fff

  1. Check under your bed, in your closet, in your garage, and/or storage room... I am looking for (3) Silver plated (not Chrome) DEG Dynasty II 2V Sopranos, and (1) DEG Dyansty 2V Silver (not Chrome) Baritone. Yes, I have tried eBay, however I have been burned far too many times because the eBay sellers will email me back saying the horn is Silver and when it arrives it is actually Chrome, so I am looking for horns from people who actually know what they have. Thanks!
  2. Yes, I did play the piccolo in this show. There was concern that I could not use my Schilke G1L-4, as only contras were allowed to have 4 valves. I ordered a Schilke G1L (3v) with a Beryllium #5 bell, and used a modified Schilke 14 mouthpiece with a throat opened to 0.252". I could have used my DEG 2V piccolo but the Schilke's bore of 0.450" was bigger and played as freely as my G1L-4.
  3. 8va fff


    I am looking for (3) 2V DEG/Dynasty Silver Sopranos in playing condition; as well as (2) 2V DEG/Dynasty (or King K-90) Silver Contras in playing condition. Cases not needed, just the instruments. Please email pics or share link with price.
  4. I am looking for 3 DEG (Dynasty II) silver sopranos. Also interested in Flugels if Silver. If they are still available, I can pay via paypal or send check.


    Randy Kratofil


  5. Looking for (4) DEG 2V Silver sops, please PM with photo and price. No cases are needed, just the instruments.
  6. I am still interested in the Silver contra, please advise to payment method.

  7. I am looking for the following DEG Dynasty II 2V G bugles in Sliver and in playable condition. Minor rehab work and tarnish does not bother me as I expect to replace valve springs, felts, water keys, and polish/lube/oil the horns; but by playable I mean I am not interested in horns with missing/bent/stuck valves, missing slides/parts, and/or major dents or twisted bells. (up to 4) Sopranos (1) Flugel Horn (1) Mellophone (open wrap) I have several of these horns in their Chrome versions, and am only looking for Silver instruments. If you have any or all of these instruments please PM me with prices. I am also looking for Silver DEG 2V G Fanfare Sopranos to round out my collection.
  8. Sounds great, check, PayPal, or? let me know and I can finish up everything for you by Tuesday.

  9. I am looking for (4) DEG Dynasty II 2V Fanfare G Sopranos. From my research they were made from 1980 to 1982 and only in silver, and please correct me if my information is wrong. Email me with price/condition(Photos)/shipping. Cases not necessary. Thanks! Randy
  10. Thanks, but I really do not need a playing horn. I am looking for these to hold banners from the Olympics, Statue of Liberty Marching Band, We The People 200, and Pan Am Games Fanfare Trumpets. I was lucky enough to play in these groups and looking to show the banners in my studio. Also I am looking for DEG to match my collection (museum) of DEG 2V's, as these are the only 2V DEG offerings I do not have in my collection. If I could find (7) then I could also hang banners from Penn State, IUP, and WVU, being alumnus of each marching band, to my studio wall as well. I once found an Indian made fanfare trumpet on ebay for $50 including shipping. As I was searching for more like that one, it literally rotted apart in 6 months. I have never seen chrome flake off and brass disintegrate so fast in my life.
  11. I am looking for (4) DEG Dynasty II 2V Fanfare G Sopranos. From my research they were made from 1980 to 1982 and only in silver, and please correct me if my information is wrong. Email me with price/condition(Photos)/shipping. Cases not necessary. Thanks! Randy
  12. G Bugles for sale: (8) 2-Valve G Sopranos DEG Chrome $100 each (2) 2-Valve G Flugels DEG Chrome $100 each (4) 2-Valve G Mellos DEG Chrome $125 each (2) 2-Valve G Frenchies DEG Chrome $125 each (8) 2-Valve G Baritones DEG Chrome $150 each (2) 2-Valve G Euphoniums DEG Chrome $165 each (4) 2-Valve G Contras DEG Chrome $400 each Will sell piece by piece, or $4,500 takes lot. Great for mini-corps/parade corps/youth music group. Pick-up preferred, but will charge additional actual shipping costs from Pittsburgh, PA area. Payment by Paypal please. Thanks for looking.
  13. Learning to play brass in every key is a good thing. You are starting to become aware of placing notes by interval and not by "I press 1 & 2 and get..." Understand every trumpet, cornet, flugelhorn, and bugle has a slightly different resistance as determined by bore size, key, and bell. What you are feeling is a normal part of the process, be it learning a tumpet in C, D, Eb, F, A. Learning to adjust is not any different than a flute player learning piccolo, a clarinet player learning bass, an alto sax player learning tenor... you get the idea. Stick with it and grow as a well rounded brass player! Randy
  14. Everything happens in life for a reason, and sometimes when everything is working against you, it means a change is in your future. I realized this when I was offered, and accepted, a great job in the Central New Jersey area. It became clear to me that the only reason I was staying in the Western PA area was the five year commitment I made to try to establish G Force in Western PA. G Force was to have its 2006 season open house this past weekend. Despite the efforts of a few dedicated and interested board members, and even offering free food at the open house; the corps received no emails of interest, no phone calls, and this past Saturday no one showed up. It is obvious that despite over 6000 hits on the website since DCA finals, advertising on local cable TV, putting up posters at local college music buildings, putting up posters at local music stores, sending posters to area high schools, putting numerous posts on many marching related boards; there simply is insufficient local or regional interest in the activity to warrant continuing trying to field a corps. Before I started the corps I spent nearly seven years investigating why previous area corps failed, then worked out the business plan to overcome these obstacles. Part of the business plan included purchasing enough brass, percussion, pit, and guard equipment to field a full sized corps from the first day of operations in 2004. Also, purchasing new uniforms, and choosing music which many people had said was on their “I must play” list. I had two simple personal reasons for starting the corps; one was my passion to share the activity with the area, and two I was growing tired of having to drive hundreds of miles and six plus hours one way from the Pittsburgh area, just for winter weekend camps. I am now faced with two simple facts for pulling the plug; one a lack of interest, and two I am starting a job 300 miles to the East. My passion for the activity has no way been diminished by the outcome of this venture. As the owner of all the equipment, it is still my passion to see the equipment put to good use in performances and I will entertain options as to the disposition of the equipment. Lastly, if there is any interest in drum corps in the key of G, in the area of Trenton to Philadelphia, let me know. Randy
  15. The OPEN HOUSE and SPAGETTI DINNER scheduled for Saturday January 14 will be moved to January 28. Circumstances beyond our control with facility availability has caused this unfortunate last minute cancellation. The camp scheduled for January 28-29 will be a combination open house/camp. Any questions please email me. Sincerely, Randall Kratofil Director@GForceDBC.org
  16. A simple ten step process to start a corps: 1) Obtaining enough equipment for a full size corps = very easy 2) Business plan = easy but tedious 3) Board of Directors = easy 4) Legal start-up issues = easy and slightly expensive 5) Registering trademark = easy and inexpensive 6) 501 © (3) = pain in the butt and expensive 7) Permission to arrange = pain in the butt and expensive 8) Insurance = pain in the butt and expensive, especially when not a single penny helps your performance. 9) Rehearsal space = difficult to find and very expensive 10) Funding = difficult. With community resources already overly burdened from school district and other area charity fundraising efforts, you need to plan to balance your budget on member dues and performance payments alone. Then after you successfully navigate that list you get to the most important step: Membership drive = difficult! Adults: convince them they will enjoy themselves, you are organized, thier time commitment will be respected, and the show will still work even if you don't field 64 horns, 18 battery, 12 pit, and 32 guard. Students: convince area high school band directors that drum corps (either I or A) will not be detrimental to their kids or their high school marching band program. Depending on the part of the country, just because you build it, does not mean they will automatically come. All of that being said: Starting a competitive corps where there was not on previously (or in recent history) and giving performing opportunities local community members; is much better use of your time, energy, and resources than sitting on your butt for hours driving (or flying) to an existing corps.... if not PRICELESS! Randy
  17. George, I would like to thank you for your time an efforts to grow DCP to what it is today. Having started a few business ventures, I can understand and appreciate your decision. To all the members of this community: I am concerned at what may happen after the sale, other than possible account information issues... in terms of looking at the reason why an investor would want to buy DCP... MONEY. As stated in the "financial statement" on the ebay listing, this site is not loosing money; and real advertsising potential is untapped ect.... Now read between the lines and look at what DCP is. What is to stop a someone from looking at this as a business venture i.e., looking past the advertisment potential to looking at the 13,000+ registered members and considering the revenue potential of charging anywhere us from $0.99 a year to hundreds a year to be allowed to read and post to the boards? It is time to raise capital to meet the buy-it-now price. We need to quickly form a company, elect a board, and sell stock. I propose starting with a block of 10,000 shares at $1.25 a share, and run this as a company; so we can keep DCP to ourselves before someone takes it away from us. Maybe it should cost something to post and read on here ? Any thoughts..... Randy
  18. No need for an equipment truck, we have a new 32' trailer! B) Randy
  19. OBO? ---- I am moving and would prefer not to move these extra instruments again. :(
  20. For sale: These are my personal horns and well cared for. (1) KSB100 $400.00 (2) KSB102 $600.00 UPS store said shipping would be $35 per instrument to anywhere in the US, plus any desired insurance. Thanks for looking. Randy
  21. G Bugles - Kanstul no question, even if they were twice the price. If you are talking band instruments, then having just one company make the line is not your best option. In terms of physics, the theory of supporting the overall sound with overtones breaks down when you have different key instruments. So buying a "matched line" is not as important as the marketing departments of these companies want you to believe. My take on the best trumpet (which I used this in this past fall in the Pride of West Virginia): Schilke X-4, 0.468 bore with an XL Beryllium bell, at only $2715.00 a steal. Otherwise the $89 Indian made trumpet I got on ebay played no better for me than any of the other trumpets I have played from the companies in your poll. The Ebay trumpet is just fine for the outdoors and is more economical with the way instrumets survive these days. Randy
  22. 8va fff

    what clef?

    You took a step in the wrong direction. G Contra in treble needs to be written in A Contra in Bass. When I use Sibelius to write G bugle scores, I do the initial in score all in Treble using G transposition. Then to make the parts for bartione, euph, and contra in Bass, I set the transposition to A, and everything is fine. I have a PDF of a G Bugle fingering chart showing both TC (and BC for bari, euph, contra) and concert pitch for all the bulges, if you email me I will send you the file. Randy
  23. I just talked to Dave, and he has my arm twisted hard to come back and march this summer. I can't make a camp till classes and weekend perfromances are over, so first chance to see everyone is May 7-8. Go BRIGS!!! Randy P.S. if anyone knows about HS band jobs in the area let me know.
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