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Posts posted by Tenoris4Jazz

  1. Hmmmm ... that might be one way to get the judges off the field and still let them have a close look at the action -- would have to add sensitive mics.

    I've heard back in the tic days, MMs would attempt to "take out" field judges because while the judge was recovering, he/she would miss tics.

    In the drone era, it'd be up to the guard to tag the judge's drone with a rifle or saber. LOL!

    I've been told by someone who marched from 1978-1982 that not only did MM go judge hunting, but the drill was specifically written at times to try and trap the judges.

    • Like 1
  2. Maybe it's my 20+ years in corporate accounting, but I'm rather shocked that no one has brought up the main economic factor in travelling through the west vs. the east in late July or early August: fuel. As of today, in the east it's $2.00 to $2.30 for regular gas vs $2.30 to $2.60 out west. Diesel fuel is $0.25/gallon higher than that. All those buses, trucks, and vans will have an increase in their fuel expenses by ~15%. Given the travel expenses I've seen on the 2014 IRS forms for Devils, Cadets, Crown and Spirit, that would mean, on average, an additional $50,000 in expenses PER CORPS!. (Crown's travel expenses for 2014 were over $840,000; $100,000 more than Spirit's entire budget.) If only 10 corps make this trip, that's half a million dollars in additional travel expenses to make up. I'm sure most of you will be surprised to learn that in 2014 Devils and Cadets both lost money on their total operations despite net revenue of over $4.5 million... EACH.

    I'm willing to listen to ideas for this, but until you figure out how to generate as much money as DCI currently does in the East PLUS another $50,000 per corps, it's a moot point.

    • Like 3
  3. I'm trying to say this without it sounding like an a-hole, so forgive any unintended subtext... but how the hell did you get 50 mb service in rural WV????

    It's close to DC.

    Now that I think about it, I could get 50 mb or faster service if I wanted to pay the extra money and my wife had a business need for it (she works from home).

  4. The Allentown "actual show" worked 100% in my home state of rural West Virginia. The video was great, the audio was great. NO BUFFERING, no freezes, no problems whatsoever.

    And "yes" you can lower the quality of the stream. I have 50 mbs internet and watch in beautiful 720p quality, the highest rate. The 720p is crystal clear when played within the Media Player. If I go Full Screen the picture gets slightly blurry, as expected. The audio quality doesn't change when full screen is played.

    If the broadcast works ANYWHERE without problems then it is NOT the fault of DCI Live because the feed is getting out properly.

    The problem is on YOUR end.

    I'm trying to say this without it sounding like an a-hole, so forgive any unintended subtext... but how the hell did you get 50 mb service in rural WV????

  5. You should consider the discounted BD (Bluray Disc) for the other years as well. The audio is a magnitude above the DVD's and certainly well above the Live Video which is in 720. You don't know what you're missing.

    Play loud, my friend. :cool:

    I went 10 years without buying anything and this past fall I bought it all to catch up. Lucky I killed it investing for my car. :satisfied:

    • Like 1
  6. I think we can all agree whoever wins next week is going to have earned it. So much.

    I'm pulling for Bluecoats, but can totally see how Blue Devils or even Carolina Crown could do it too, and I'd cheer and defend them like Blue Devils last year if it is one of the others.

    It just seems very "Hollywood ending" to have Bluecoats win their first title and Academy make Finals for the first time on the same night. After watching the lovefest between BD and Bloo in 2014 at retreat, it would be great to have the reverse.

    • Like 4
  7. Not quite.

    "All age" has always meant just that... all age.

    I marched with DCA's Sunrisers starting in 1977... I was 18. Along with a bunch of others in the corps that year right around my age. Us youngsters were part of a DCA champion that year.

    It has never been "22 and over" exclusively... not since DCA got its start, dating back to 1964.

    I stand corrected. I didn't realize how many kids with DCI eligibility marched DCA back then.

  8. Never count them out, ever!!! The best closers in drum corps history, IMO.

    Except for 1981, '83, '85, '88, '95... well, you get the idea. They've gone into Finals week undefeated several times and by Saturday night they're looking up at the top of the podium. Now, the last 5-8 years they've been Secretariat down the stretch, especially last year. I thought Crown had it locked up and BD put the pressure on them and they stormed into first.

  9. This makes sense. The 'not touring yet' bit probably works with parents that aren't sold on letting their kids romp around the country like that. They get in and see the benefits of what their kid learns in all aspects of the activity then, "Mom, dad, I want to go for a touring corps next year."

    DCA is "all age" which used to mean over 22 and under, well... dead. Now it's a combination of kids not ready to march open or world class yet and old farts who still want to perform, but have a job Monday through Friday.

  10. I don't mind mic'ed soloists... But for Bloo this year it feels like the soloists hold back and go for the more relaxed and balanced sound rather than exerting themselves, since they're mic'ed. It's too polite. I wanna feel like the veins in the soloists' foreheads are gonna burst, not like they're holding back.

    Remember, these are Bb trumpets, not G bugles. It's easier to get a good sound out of these and a helluva lot harder to go climbing up the staff. The higher you went on those bugles, the more the overtones took effect and it sounded like you were shooting a lung out the bell!

    • Like 4
  11. I do the exact same pre-show procedure as you. I have dual monitors so the live feed in on the main monitor and DCPlanets is in its own separate window on the secondary monitor, both run full-screen.

    If ANYBODY gets a clean feed, then the problem is not from the source. It's hard to tell where the buffering or freeze is coming from, but I know it drives me NUTS when it happens!

    Ditto. I've got a 27" monitor on a raised stand showing the video and a smaller monitor beside it for you guys. My wife thinks I'm nuts. That's about right. :tounge2:

    • Like 1
  12. My wife has been "subjected" to drum corps a bit in the 20 years we've been together, so I used her as a test subject this evening. She's been to one show over a decade ago and it was too loud for her anywhere in the stands. I had her watch and listen to the ending of Academy. Her initial impression: "Where am I supposed to look? There's too much going on all over the place to see anything." She essentially couldn't even rate the music because she spent so much energy trying to focus on something to watch. I hope this is not the same way other casual fans see the modern show designs.

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