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Everything posted by rmm155

  1. They aged out 65 last year, per a GH post yesterday. 40 this year.
  2. Contextually, Poppycock's response to your (I believe, I can't go back a screen to cross-check) reference to the Cadet's work ethic was "BD works hard too" (all roughly paraphrased). Therefore, yes, so while not stated explicitly, there is the implication that someone works harder than the other. Which, obviously isn't true - but given those two statements, I gave the following assessment that both corps can work exceptionally hard, but there's more room for Cadets improvement via low-hanging fruit, therefore the equally hard work would (should?) get more score oomph to the Cadets. Maybe I connected the dots in ways that neither poster intended via the responses, but that's how it read from the non-involved observer. Go Cadets.
  3. Yes, but the Cadets have (randomly assigned numbers) 20 things that have a lot of room to clean. BD has (again, randomly assigned, I'm not into the whole judging things) 10 things that have small increments of room to clean. Ounce of ounce, Cadets right now have more "oomph" to get by cleaning than the BD at this point. Obviously, the BD work their tails off and aren't eating frozen grapes and bon-bons at this point in the season.
  4. I believe I heard there are two more costume changes for the guard.
  5. Well, the colors originally were pink and ... black ;) So, how about that hornline? Corps should remain beholden to their color history regardless of show design, concept or effect. Or not. Penn State's colors should be pink and yellow. Or not.
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