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Everything posted by MusicManNJ

  1. Looks like Mr. Rice will be making his TV debut on WFMZ. via twitter "I just had a nice conversation with Jacci Farris at WFMZ TV in Allentown about the story re: Dan Acheson, Cadets, George Hopkins, YEA!. I understand she will be airing some of our discussion in connection with a statement by DCI coming soon."
  2. mingusmonk's post of the Philly.com interview has some encouraging information. As did the earlier post regarding the independent investigations firm. For such a terrible story it is refreshing to see something positive this morning!
  3. Completely agree with this statement and would add that there are two clear outcomes: 1. Sean is completely vindicated and assumes the role of CEO 2. There is something behind the accusations and as result YEA would need to go to a "Plan B" At this point it is in the investigators hands and lets hope we have a thorough yet expedited review so this can be resolved one way or another and the organization can move on to the next items on their overly full plate.
  4. Thanks Mike. You are correct. I do know this is something the new board is looking into currently.
  5. Well I would hope they wold be as aggressive about promoting this bit of important context to the story as there were plastering the original story all over social media etc. Can't seem to find it anywhere.
  6. Dan A = $ 114K. GH = $177K. Not sure how the others slot in there but it seems Dan would be underpaid for running a nearly $11 Million operations.
  7. I am sure the new board is just as eager to understand this as well. Seeing that we are just staring day 5 of the new regimen it may take a little bit to sort through all that is on their "to do" list.
  8. Yes... although I am not sure it was posted on DCP. I believe it was on Reddit. It was a real flame thrower.
  9. Let's see what the new accountants and auditors find out. Then we will know for certain.
  10. And the plan is to operate all programs as scheduled. More announcements will be coming out shortly.
  11. Not from YEA. But he may be getting some new ones from the prosecutors office...
  12. Yes... and know. In the world of financial stability (not something we normally associate with most corps) when comparing YEA to DCI it is clear DCI is on much firmer ground. I also recognize that is not saying much.
  13. It does say that the EEOC reported this to the old board. Which, if true, brings a whole lot of new questions since they old board position has been "We never heard such things before."
  14. Agreed... I would hope that whatever is learned/developed can be models for other.
  15. In the mean time... another story in the Allentown paper has this bit of encouraging news: "Doug Rutherford, a former Cadet and the new YEA board chairman, told The Morning Call the steps DCI outlined already are being taken. The organization is working with the national sex abuse prevention organization RAINN to review safety policies and procedures and build a better mechanism for reporting problems, he said." http://www.mcall.com/news/breaking/mc-nws-allentown-cadets-probation-20180413-story.html
  16. No one is suggesting to leave things covered up. I have spoken to and know several of the victims. I am 100% behind them and those who have yet to come forward. My particular issues with the article and the use of a third hand rumor to be the sole basis for writing an article. If Dan did something wrong then sure he would have to go. Same as with Sean. But there is a BIG difference. The victim came forward and stated she had gone to Sean because of some things that made her uncomfortable. That is way more specific than someone saying "I heard someone say that GH was being inappropriate with members." One is an allegation by the person who was directly impacted which in time will be show to be true or not. The other is just a rumor. And if we start conflating the two as a way to indite people we are going down a slippery slope. To be clear... I am only reacting to what I read in the article. For me... this was not worthy of going to print. And while I think the reporter has done some incredible work... this one just fall short of her otherwise stellar journalistic standards.
  17. While I am not hating on the report... she has done amazing reporting so far... this latest article is very flimsy. It was a third part rumor with no other additional corroborating facts. That's the problem as I see it. Let's follow the facts and go after everyone and anyone who is responsible for what has taken place. And above all... support the victims.
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