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Everything posted by MadisonBandMan1

  1. Just rewatched the show again from last night, and there are a lot of sections of the show that are cleaning up real nicely. Super happy to see this show coming together. They are pulling more emotion out of the show. Crown brass is starting to sound like crown brass. For a while I thought their drill wasn’t all that hard this year, but the more I think about it the more I realize the opposite. All of those curvilinear forms and transitions between them are extremely difficult to clean, but if they can nail them perfectly come finals night they will be rewarded for it.
  2. I’d like to remind y’all that crown got 2nd *while* going on super early too. Beat all of that “slotting” tonight.
  3. Me thinks the crown set is going to be a “company front” crown set, as in the crown set moves forward in half time from the last hit to the end (Last 32 counts of the show).
  4. This might have been my headphones, but does it sound to y’all like they added more volume on the lower end balance wise from the last big hit until the end in the ballad? It sounded more meaty and full tonight.
  5. I bet you tomorrows run is going to be much cleaner and with more energy because tonight definitely injected confidence into this corps.
  6. @KVG_DC was right. We must give him the flowers. I miss this crown team. This design staff is finally gel-ing and I’m here for it. So many great visual and musical changes. That new drill in the closer is awesome. Where tf did they find the time to put that in AND clean it. Because it wasn’t as dirty as it should be being that new and difficult.
  7. Every section of the show has something changed for the better. Every section of the corps had something change. But not too much either. I literally screamed in my house in the movement after the ballad. And the closer! And the feature in movement two! Wow!
  8. WOAH WOAH WOAH These new changes just made the show 10000000% better. I’m blown away. And there’s more to come. Also we know why that trumpet holdover was there with all of the last weeks worth of shows. Klesch is a genius.
  9. I was wondering where you have been. Also don’t think I’ve seen Jim and Sherri post in a while.
  10. I was at the tail end of their ensemble before the show on Saturday, and the holdover was there in more than one run of the section and was not corrected at all, and it’s been in three shows now. It must be intentional.
  11. By the way, I don’t know if this has been mentioned before, but BD broke the all time score record for this regional.
  12. Then Boston brought the house down. I was so excited to see how the crowd would react to the new ending (I saw it the night before at their ensemble)…and I think half of them didn’t even see the insane rifle toss that happened right after the tarp flyover in the same spot. Just amazing writing on their part.
  13. Though Phantom was definitely not as loud as Cavies and Mandarins were. Holy cow they brought the energy last night.
  14. I assure everyone, I still have my hearing. Though I was quite sure I might lose it after phantom, was on my way during cavies. So loud. So awesome. What an amazing experience.
  15. Also I’m so happy I got my front and center 50 yard line experience at this show for the first time I technically got that at Boston’s rehearsals the last two days but that’s different from a live performance. I was in the third row. If someone would tell me how to upload pictures from mobile, that would be greatly appreciated. I will post my thoughts on crown tomorrow. Also, it’s awesome to find myself in the myriad of videos posted from last night 😂
  16. I would simply pass away from excessive laughter if I ever heard that at a finals night 😂
  17. I’m so glad to have seen your kids perform live. I was in the third row and two seats from the 50 yard line, and absolutely loved every moment of it. Cavies and Mandies melted my face off. Just absolute in your face, air pushing, sonic slicing madness. It was amazing. All of the parents of kids in the activity deserve to be extremely proud of the hard work their kids have put in.
  18. Personally not the biggest fan of Bloo’s show, but that bump section is just to much fun and I have to admit the hornline and visual are super clean.
  19. Mandarins just got a big standing ovation. Well deserved. That was awesome.
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