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Posts posted by MikeZ

  1. As I look forward to standing with my brothers, and hopefully the rest of the audience, in Indy to sing Never Walk during Madison's show, I got to wondering. Has the drum major of a DCI corps ever turned around to direct the audience? Probably a good question for my friend, Steve Vickers.

    DM Sean Hadley has the privilege of doing so this year, and I expect this to be a very special moment today in Mpls, and in August.

    I'm pretty sure one of the drum majors from Magic conducted to the audience in 1997. It was during the "Little Liza Jane" opener. I know he faced the audience and interacted with the crowd. I'm not positive if if he conducted or not.


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  2. By the way, where is that encore recording. I thought I'd get it with my blue devils subscription. But it seems like it only comes in the special 2012 dvd. Is that right?

    I saw it live, in person, on finals night. I also may (or may not) have recorded the run on my iPod. I can't answer where you can get other recordings.


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  3. BD's victory run last year was one of the most impressive things I've ever seen/heard on a football field. I love seeing a corps perform at the top of their game...for fun. Not for the judges, not for the staff, not for seeding, not for a ring. Performing for the sake of having fun and celebration. Nothing else like it.


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  4. I don't understand what the problem is with the limited panels. The scores from the show in Cedarburg tonight mean absolutely nothing. As long as there is a full panel in place for the regionals, I'm fine with whatever happens before then. I understand that corps will want to get reads and feedback, but I would be fine with all of the June shows having no judges at all. It's not like Vanguard sees what cadets percussion score was on June 30 and then decided to make changes. I say lets save money and have less judges before the regionals.


  5. I live in Cincinnati, and every year I do Quarters in the theater, then drive up to Indy for semis and finals. I could do all 3 shows in the Oil Can, but I actually like the theater experience on Thursday. You sometimes get some interesting stories in the theater broadcast that you wouldn't see live in the stadium. I almost consider it like sitting in 3 different seats...theater on Thursday, up high on Friday, and down low on Saturday.

    Of course, I have been to every quarter finals broadcast in the theater so some of my reasoning is that I want to keep my streak alive. I've enjoyed the improvements made in the broadcast, and its gotten to the point that I actually look forward to hearing Rondinaro, Delucia, Pitts, etc. and I'm always excited to see what Tom Blair and company are going to bring to the table.


  6. Wasn't Silvestri's Abyss the original closer for '99 Colts before it was replaced midseason?

    I thought it was the other way around. I thought the original closer was replaced by "The Abyss". That's a whole lot of years ago, and my brain is a little foggy...but I am sure there is a 99 Colts/Abyss connection. If Chuck is lurking around here, maybe he can shed some light on the subject.


  7. I think it's a great question but difficult to answer. My main problem is that the music today doesn't move me as much as before due to the fact that the horns don't produce the volume of yesteryear. It's not about the shows as I think many would have had the same if not greater impact they had before considering the level of talent and how the shows are deisgned and executed.

    Even the top corps don't come close to the volume of corps prior to the Bb's coming out.

    I won't mention any specific shows that come to mine since there are so many but Phantom, BD, Cadets, SCV, Madison come to mind, not to mention the more recent corps that have stepped up like Crown, Bluecoats, ect.

    For me it takes turning up the stereo to get the impact from the 1978's to the late 1990's.

    Take that volume with the music of tday and DCI would increase its numbers dramatically.

    In general, today's hornlines are not putting out the volume of the 70s/80s/90s hornlines, but there are certainly exceptions. 2007 cadets could have gone toe to toe with lots of hornlines from the past 35 years. 2004 BD made several of my internal organs move. The old = loud and new = quiet is a lazy, lazy argument.


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  8. There are lots of moments that cause things to "get a little dusty". I'm not a particularly emotional person, but there are a handful of shows that really get to me. The two that really stand out are...

    1997 Crossmen. The final chord where the entire guard run front field. So much emotion coming out of that corps, and I was convinced they had passed Cavies in those final 30 seconds.

    2010 Phantom. Entire show. I cried like a baby at finals, and the show still gets me every time it pops up on my iPod.

    It would take me 45 minutes to list all of the shows that get to me, but the two I listed immediately came to mind.


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  9. It might come down to two simple reasons. IMO.

    1) Crowds are smaller

    2) Maybe it is a combination of the dome drowning out the crowd and also the fact that the microphone placement and mixing might lower the levels of noise that the crowd may bring to the recording.

    Ding, ding, ding, on # 2. Listen to the recordings of Vanguard the past two years. You almost cannot hear the Vanguard yell. I know it was done, and done loudly, but something about the microphone placement is lowering the crowd noise.

    I also think the way that Lucas Oil is built in 6 levels hurts the crowd noise. I don't know why, but the segmentation of the audience seems to have had an effect on the noise.

    Or maybe everyone is correct and drumcorps is essentially dead. I'm not buying that, but if it makes you folks feel better to think that way, then knock yourselves out.


    Cheered like crazy numerous times in 08,09,10,11, and 12.

  10. If you went to BOA you could simply buy your 2012 audio/video products at the DCI booth. No shipping to pay and you can watch/listen as soon as you get home. I think I was the first person in the country to have the CD's in my hands. I bought the CD's Thursday morning at 10:50 AM. The person working the DCI booth had to cut open the box the CD's were shipped in.

    And for the record, I'm VERY happy with the CD's. I will now let everyone go back to their daily dose of complaining.


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  11. I thought it should be mentioned that all corps should take notes from Brad Furlano on how to handle a staff change announcement. I don't know who is going to replace the departing staff, but as long as a member of the Furlano family is in charge, I have confidence that the Blue Stars will be fine.


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  12. If the choice is between championships leaving Indy (where there is a chance dci could LOSE money), and staying in Indy (where dci has a sweat heart deal that I believe allows them to make money), I would choose staying in Indy every time. We saw numerous corps not make it to championships. The number one priority HAS to be the financial well being of the organization. I like Camp Randall as much as the next drumcorps fan, but if dci is going to be better off financially in Indy, I can live with the oil can.

    Yes, there are problems with the venue, but the bottom line is I had a great time over the weekend and will be heading back to Indy again next year.


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