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Everything posted by Skylander

  1. Just checking up on our Director to make sure he's fulfulling his bumping duties!
  2. I had the privlidge of marching Sky with Sidemouth at the end of the seventies, and boy, I'm speechless! What a shocker! All I can say is my condolences to his family!
  3. Mike,Thanks for having too much time on your hands! The map was interesting!
  4. Jim,Just the mere mention of the word "AMPLIFICATION' is scarry! Careful!!!
  5. The following message was posted in the Excelsior Drum Corps guestbook following our participation in the Troy's Uncle Sam Parade yesterday:"Just wanted to say that you guys looked AWESOME in the Uncle Sam Day Parade! I just got home, called a friend and told him that we have got to join this group. Maybe I will be part of the awesome sound in the spring? Comments by Christopher LaBarge" Art's not just blowing smoke folks! It's really happening and even more exciting news about Excelsior will be forthcoming soon! ^OO^
  6. Wow! I didn't know there were as many as 5 cavemen. Will need to do better researching next time... but I'm not buying them dinner!So, what's their names? :lolhit:
  7. Art,Let's not forget to mention the talented performers we have. I had the opportunity to stop by the brass rehearsal on Wednesday night and I was suprised to see that the number of brass players in attendance exceed the highest number I've yet to see by 3. That includes all rehearsals and parades. I think we are in the dawning of a new drum corps era in our region and the boat is about to disembark on a fantastic voyage. Anyone interested better jump onboard NOW or they just might get all wet if jumping when the boat has moved away from the dock! ^OO^ ^OO^ ^OO^ ^OO^ ^OO^
  8. If you enjoyed a cigarette aftward, don't make it a habit. Make Drum Corps a habit!
  9. A Message So Nice,You Posted it Twice! B) B) ^OO^ B) B)
  10. Open message to Glen Johnson, There have been several statements about dcacorps.org made in this thread both positive and negative, and I have a couple of things to say about it: First, as an experienced and award winning webmaster myself, I know that DCA and it's online fans should feel very fortunate to have a talented volunteer as Glen for their webmaster. Secondly, in the dial-up access I use during the summer, the loading of the flash page is extremely slow. I wouldn't however complain about it though. I simply bookmark the news.html file rather than using the index or default file for site. It's so easy to do that yes, even a caveman could do it! (I did my research - so no complaints from wannabe cavemen please) Glen, I say to you thank you and keep up the good work. To others, hope that Glen stays on for a long time. Good volunteer webmasters can be hard to come by.
  11. OK! Where are the female members of the horn line??? Equality in all things right? LOLBTW, the size of many of the pictures are so large that they are doing havec on those of us that have to connect on dialup, not to speak of what it's doing to DCP's server performance. My dialup speed is around 24.4 during the summer. Please try to reduce the size of your photos to at least under 500x500 pixels, even less preferably, so we can all enjoy the great photos being posted. Thanks!
  12. Devil’s advocate or not, I cannot let a couple of your statements go without also expressing “ideas” too!First, when it comes to the alleged “paid ringer,” as soloists are presumably described in your post, let’s not forget that they are probably the ones that spend many of the loneliest hours away from their senior corps practicing, practicing and more practicing – much more that the hard working so-called peon! Don’t get me wrong, I do believe that all are hard working while with the corps, but speaking as a former brass player, its well know that too many go home between rehearsals and don’t spend enough time practicing. Again just expressing my ideas! Secondly, if DCA tends to stand for “Don’t Change Anything” then DCI tends to stand for Destructive Change Implementation. Again, just expressing my ideas too!
  13. Here is another short treat for our loyal Excelsior readers and fans! B) On Saturday prior to the DCA Show in Kingston, Excelsior was in a parade as mentioned in post 1 of this thread. Excelsior Drum & Bugle Corps was captured in a short video offered by Albany's Capital News 9 on their website. To view this short clip go to the following website and in the "Fire Company Celebrates 50th" click the watch the video play button. http://www.capitalnews9.com/content/headli...=33&ArID=143575
  14. Joe,There are no recent photos on the website except for what you see on the main page. During the summer I'm at camp working on an extremely slow dialup connection - usually about 21.0. Photos would be impractical for me to work with because of this. However, I do have a poster setup at www.cafepress.com/excelsiorcorps using a parade photo from one of our first parades. You can view it at http://www.cafepress.com/excelsiorcorps.17106798
  15. Jim,Just a small historical correction. The Brigs completely folded in the fall of 1973 (I was a saddened member and present the day that happened) and didn't re-appear until they were newly organized in the beginning of the '90's.
  16. Dano, The statement on the title "This was a busy weekend" reminded me of the 1959 Interstatesmen number of "Little Man You've Had A Busy Day." I would bet that most users of this forum have never heard this Interstatesmen selection, but as a rare treat for those who care enough to follow this thread, they can listen to it by clicking the following link: Little Man You've Had A Busy Day B) Joe Historical Note: It was in the fall of 1958 that the Empire State Grenadiers and Berkshire Marauders merged to become the Interstatesmen. So this recording was from the first year that Interstatesmen existed. They later went on to become charter members of DCA. With the determination held by many members of Excelsior, they will undoubtedly follow by one day bringing the Upstate New York and Berkshire Region back into the DCA family.
  17. "So once, a REALLY long time ago, I marched in drum corps. Played Trips in the Volunteer D&BC Drum line and then merged like everyone else to Avant Garde- I transitioned into the horn line then - SOP. It was a great time in my life and I missed it ! Today - 20 + years later, Excelsior begins to evolve. You think, It was so long since I've played, My job, My kids, My... Oh, I don't have the time. My family will kill me if i do one more thing. Well..... I am here to tell you that is just not true !!!! I have 5 Childern ages 16,14,10,6,5 - I own 2 businesses and a 5000sq ft home. And I have found the time. Not only have I found the time, but, I can still play the horn - even after 20 years. NOW 2 of my boys are in the Drum line and 1 is in the horn line - and now the stories I remember about drum corps - I can now share in reality with my family. My husband is even considering joining. In short, If you loved it then and you day dream about the old times even once, you will figure out how to make the time - because remember in life there are only 2 things to keep close - " Live each day to the fullest, it is a gift and we know this. That is why it is called the present" AND Remember life isn't about what you need or will be more comfortable when you get it, It's about the journey." By a member of Excelsior Drum & Bugle Corps Brass Line.
  18. I didn't know her at all, but she is part of the DC community. May she rest in peices where her spirit can live on!
  19. Yes I believe that is correct...many of these people were asked to not return to Crusaders after the tremendous success in 1972. There are many stories why this happened, but truth be told, I believe Phoenix was started as a grudge. That, combined with the folding of many NYS juniors from 1971-74, left a lot of drum corps talent available for a new project.Donny <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I belive that that same group went to the Brigs in 1973 possibly for the same reason. After we missed out on getting into DCA, the Rochester group indicated they would be back for 1974 and I believe that their abandoning the Brigs and their movement back to Rochester area drum corp is the reason Brigs never made it back the following year. However, even if we did return and make into DCA in '74 it's highly probable the same thing would have happened to us (the Brigs) that happened to Phoenix. BTW, I played mellophone in the '73 Brigs. Oh well, it's 31 years later and I still remember the sad look on Gebby's face when he told us it was over. It still bothers me every once in a while when I stop to think about it.
  20. Wasn't the ex Crusaders the same people that helped bring the 1973 Brigadiers to DCA's in about 6 weeks? I remember David Martin as he helped me a little to improve my horn playing (Mission Impossible) but the 31 years since we did this has left me a little foggy. (Nothing unusual for me LOL)
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