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Everything posted by dcf06

  1. I need some advice on how to help a band program in my area. I currently live in Appleton, Wisconsin but I will be moving to Green bay in next fall. Through out my high school year, the band program was nothing more than a joke. It lack discipline, and over all pride. Most kids took band because it was an easy A. Kids found humor in throwing there instruments or riding them like skateboards. Kids didn’t care and the teachers were only there for a pay check. Fortunately there is a new teacher who wants to see the music program succeed. The only down side is the School district doesn’t fund much. Giving the marching band a budget of about $500 it is hard to as for help without compensation. Ironically enough this is the same High School where the Northmen first started from. The Northmen was originally drill team called the northern step. The only thing "musical" that is competitive at the school now is the Schools Dance team, who take first at almost every completion. When I was in high school the football team was not that hot either, school spirit was at an all time low, and the band failed to perform/ serve its purpose. The Program has truly turned around. From having a band of about 170 drop to 60 in three years, the new teacher has been able to get consistency, students seem to care about music, but performing is not their best of quality. I guess my question is how to get kids more involved, how the teacher can get the school district to spend a little more on music education. Where can I find Resources to help the teacher convince her peers to start pushing for a better music education? On the reverse side what is other bands budgets, how do they get the money to compete and how do they get so many kids. How are the kids in band doing academically, how are the skills they learn in band applied to other areas in there life.
  2. I agree! As soon as drum corps start paying people to march like a job. I stopped marching when I was 18 mainly because I moved out of my parents house and I knew that If i marched I would be homeless. I want to march but having a roof over my head and saving that extra $3000 seems so much better. When I did march I paid for everything, I got a job during the school year and saved up.
  3. Thats great news, The Americanos Alumni Association is looking to do the samething. The Appleton History Museum is looking to help us with achriving our history right along with Harry Houdni. I am glad that other corps are doing this they may be gone but the history of the corps is not lost.
  4. For some reason I feel that this thread isnt going to stay open much longer... There is a copyrighted photo...
  5. Does any one know where i can get contact info for Ken Norman??? I need to speak with him.
  6. Correction tom that would have been 2004. 2005 Canos folded. Juggling monkey... Wonder if bobby still has the juggling pin that he stole from the monkey.
  7. The Alumni Board okays Continued planning for the Alumni parade corps. We have about 30 brass spots that we can fill, percussion is still being discussed. We will have an honor gaurd and color gaurd. We invite anyone who would like to join us for the parade alumni and friends. Go toThe Americanos Alumni Webpage to take a brief survey about the event. We are excited to be planning an Alumni Corps and we thank everyone for their support.
  8. When I was in Dc With the colts in 06 I had to walk past the white house to find food. Our group thought by going to the national mall we would find food. Little did we know that The national mall was not a shopping center.
  9. www.kwwl.com Appearntly a bus break down is breaking news!
  10. When you configure plane tickets, tour fees, money for walmart, laundry, and not to mention all of the things you need before tour, it adds up quick. I dont live with my parents anymore, nor do I attend school, so leaving for the summer is impossible. Land lords dont like sublets, and then there is the problem of trying to keep your job. most empolyers wont let you have a leave of absence. When you return where will you get the money to find a place to live, where would you stay and how long would it take for you to find a job. College students have and advantage, they are able to go back to school at the end of the summer. If drum corps paid it performers it would be a different story but thats not the case. When I was in high school, i worked during the school months, gradually got my things i needed, and used my tax return to make it through the summer. I was fortunate enough, and things turned out in my favor. The Americanos were cheap in 04 fees were $600 later raised to $800. In 05 I had worked to get a majorty of my fees paid off. When the Americanos folded, ECJ waived my fees and only had me pay for my plane ticket. 04 and 05 I used my tax return to help me pay for the summer. In 06 My fees were completely wavied at the Americanos because I was always helping. When They folded I didnt have anything and my tax return was low. I wasnt even going to march in 06 but I got a call from the colts and they had a spot open. That I am still paying for three years later. I got by becasue I managed to get a credit card that I couldnt afford. Things add up quickly. I did what I did to march knowing that I was never going to march again. It sucks I can march my age out. Everyone ages out, but how many 20 year olds are on a board of directors for an alumni association that they founded.
  11. Finding food in dc is tough enough with out the parade. Cant imagine what it would be like now.
  12. http://addins.kwwl.com/blogs/scribbles/ Here is the reporters blog. DCP should rss feed it.
  13. I read one of the reports blogs, seems she tried out for the colts. very cool stuff.
  14. They are in better shape than most think they are. When in fact the Americanos Sell the hall they will Have everything paid off including the horns and drums which they have not sold yet. The bingo may be slow but it seems they are running enough to get what they need paid off, they dont plan on returning to the field unless someone comes in with a solid plan to get the organization operations back on track community minded. Honestly, although many dont believe it the Americanos have a good shot at making a come back, as many corps do if they do things correctly. The advanage of the Americanos is that the Alumni are starting to step up and trying to get involved. Corps with history in there town just need to look to their resources and not be afraid to ask for help. When and if the Americanos Come back, they will not be back in DCI any time soon. The organization has a lot of things they need to do with in the community, re-establish itself in the Fox Valley area, and fundraise other than bingo. Another issue that I am seeing with these groups is the locality of its members. Corps are not going to go anywhere if they can not help the schools in the area. Programs like the colts and academy are successful because they go to the schools and offer help. The colt cadets for example were 18 members when I first started. Now they are pulling from the local schools and keeping fees as low as possible for kids. One of the main factors of why I am not marching and why i have not marched since 2006 is beacuse I cant fork out 10 grand for a summer of corps.
  15. Wow... I thought the Americanos were in bad shape... This is sad news to hear. The east coast is about to loose yet another great corps.
  16. Hey scott I will keep that in mind we are trying to keep as low of a cost as possible. I have a board meeting monday so I will bring it up. I recently got the Appleton History musem to accept the Americanos as being part of the musem. The Americanos organization is 74 years old, so its only right for the history of the corps to be preserved. Thank you for your offer, I will bring that up.
  17. So with the lack of responses does that mean that the Americanos could possibly hold the oldest drum corps videos?
  18. Unfortunatly there is no sound. With in the next couple of weeks we are going to watch and try to identify some of these corps. We are going to try see what we can do about getting recordings. He have about 12 reels to go through it will be interesting trying to identify these corps.
  19. The Americanos Alumni Association has found 8mms dated back from the middle 40s and is in the process of getting them converted in to digital form. Are there any others out there that might be older?
  20. Here are the songs that I am looking at playing during the parade. Mi Terria One of the corps favorite songs to play in the 90s! America(nos) the Beautiful! song from the 1973 show, Perfect for a patriotic day such as flag day!
  21. The Alumni corps will only before that day, later that night we will be holing a reunion party for the alumni.
  22. Sounds good, because thats most likely what we are doing...
  23. Well we are holding a party and there are plenty of people coming so we dont have to.
  24. Thank you! We are very excited to be finally be putting something out there. it has taken awhile to get things set up, but the alumni are very excited about the Association.
  25. Hey Folks, The Americanos Alumni is seeking possible intrest for an alumni Corps that will appear in the 2009 Flag Day Parade in Appleton Wisconsin. You dont have to be an alumni to be apart fo the corps. All interested parties Please log on to Americanosalumni.org. We are looking to fill around 30 brass spots.
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