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Everything posted by socalcontra

  1. Ok, so I finally went to my first show this season and after all the grief I have been causing here, I thought it time to give my perspective on what is going on. I wouldn't call this a review of the show, but some reflection on what I saw last night. First, I really like Mt. SAC as a site. I have been here as a band director when I taught H.S. and this is really a great facility. Parking is close and the field was in pretty good shape. I thought the hosts (Pacific Crest) did an outstanding job of running the show. There was plenty of seats to be had and for the most part, a pretty good crowd. Ryan Turner did a great job announcing the show as well. All in all, a well suited field for a show. This show reminds me of the old Odssey Classic shows that George Wong used to run with the amount of corps that used to perform in it (Odssey was the first DCI show I went to in 1981). For $20.00 to $25.00 a seat, that's not a bad investment (I did get a kick out of having my name printed on my reserve tickets-nice detail!). Now for the corps. I was really glad to see so many corps at this show. I can remember judging this show 6-7 years ago and there was only 4 (yes, thats FOUR) corps in the show and probably a couple of youth bands. I believe only SCV was there headlining the show that year. This year, one senior corps, one division 3 corps, three division 2 corps and six division 1 corps made for a great show. This is what has needed to happen on the west coast for a long time. Not to chatter on about each show, because each had their moments (yes, including Sam with his flip-up sunglasses). I was glad to see the Seattle Cascades make their way down here to so cal for shows. Nice to have another new corps in so cal (Mystical). I was really impressed with Academy, Vanguard and of course, the Blue Devils. Academy is abosolutly for real and really should be heading for Denver this year. They would be really sucessful if they were there in the division 2/3 championships. It kind of reminds me of Pacific Crest's start of doing local shows and then building into a touring corps. The music and visual package is outstanding. It's about time for Arizona to "step-up" with all their good music programs and field a corps. I personally don't know how they rehearse in all that heat in Phoenix? Now for the Vanguard and the Blue Devils. Personally, I really enjoyed the music of the Vanguard. Scheherazade is a great piece to bring to the field. Lots of excellent musicianship and energy, but I think my wife (who never marched herself in a corps) hit it right on the the head "they are really having a hard time in their marching". They had a lot of problems with form control, phasing and at the end during the z pull, a few horn players had their heads almost taken off (someone said this is a new ending, so it may take time for them to pull it off). Drumming is outstanding and I can hear some good things coming from this line. I did like the ending where Scheherazade is carried off-lots of effect. Maybe she needs to "disappear" and a dci ring "appear" in the magic box at the end of the show (see, that's what they should have done in '87). I'd say that Key Poulan did an outstanding job writing the horn book (but I could be biased, seeing that Key and I marched in BD together in '83). I find it rather amusing to see former BD people working with Santa Clara (Key, Gino Cipriani and Mike Collins). As far as BD is concerned, it's an outstanding show! You have to be a detail "freak" to see all that they have put into this show. As my wife pointed out (yet again) "everything has a train element to it-including whats on the flags and how they line them up when they are done with them". I was really impressed with the hand-held crotales that the drumline uses in Summertime, it is an incredible effect. Musically, the show is well written. The soloists are very strong and carry themselves very well. I don't know what everyone is concerned with, the ending really fits the show. I really thought the corps "leaving on the train" was a great effect. The only thing I would do is have them start like that at the beginning of the show. The effect is somewhat there, but I would have the corps proper enter as like they end the show (from left to right). I really didn't think the drumline is all that "bad" as people make them out to be. I've heard a lot worse from them in past years, so I don't know what all the fuss is all about. I noticed a couple of years ago they had somewhat of a "cocky" attitude that I noticed during their victory concert. I didn't notice that at all this year-in fact, quite the opposite. I thougth they had a lot of "fun" playing the show-especially during the victory concert last night. I just kind of hoped the hornline would have played Chase The Clouds Away before the victory concert started. I don't know how these two shows will stack up against the competition, but from all the corps I've listened to this year, they should be right up there with the rest of them. Santa Clara is in the driver seat at this point to clean the drill and add more drama to their show. I really want to pull for both corps at this point, but clearly, in my opinion, the Blue Devils are much more ahead than they are being given credit for. It doesn't mean that the Vanguard cannot "get" there, it just may mean more detailing at this point. By the way, the crowd did their homework and said "Vanguard" in the right place in the show. I bought the alumni Blue Devils CD and it is absolutly outstanding. Very professional in sound and in composition. I highly recommend purchasing it if you have an extra $19.00 in your souvie buying frenzy. I was glad to hear that there is life after drum corps for musicians. I did get the poster for the Vanguard show, but I have to figure out a place to put it in my house after I have it framed. It's an outstanding buy at $5.00. (BTW, I do not get a cut from either organization for promoting their gear). All in all, an outstanding night. I was glad to see southern California going back into the right direction with our shows. I hope you all back east take an "open mind" to what you will see coming from out west. I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised! Now I'm sure some of you will add to this post and might even disagree with me (gasp!). As I write this on Independence Day, I'm glad I live in a country that you have the right to do that. Thanks to all of those who serve in our armed forces (including former students of mine) and keep our freedoms protected. Thanks to those of you who have served and are supporters of drum corps!
  2. Kanstul is a great brand. Very durable. As far as Jupiter, it's not my first choice. Parts and repairs as everyone says is a big factor in buying instruments. Jupiter's metal choice is poor and does not withstand year to year wear. I use quite a bit of Yamaha in my program and it depends on the instrument for durability. I kept my line of them going because I already had a bunch in the program and I didn't want to cross sounds and timbres with new instruments. Of course if I had it to do it from the start I'd buy matching Kanstul horns. The trumpet plays wonderfully well. You can learn a lot about horns and brands if you go to the NAMM show. I play just about everything thats there.
  3. I think I'd look at the soprano solo in the 27th Lancers from '84. He played about 2 verses of Yentl by himself.
  4. Preadhesive kotex pads-cut to size and then apply either inside or outside with DUCK brand white duct tape (pad stays in place great). Worked great for me when I taught H.S. drumlines. Always a great laugh when we pulled out the box and saw the look on the freshman bass drummers, not knowing what was under the tape-hehe. The topic came up in a rehearsal this year when my 8th grade guy trumpet players found some pads in their cases (a prank carried out by my flutes I suspect). I said, "cool, bass drum pads! You guys going to put 'em on the drums?" Then a discussion came about because what I said. I told them thats what they can expect at the H.S.
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