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Prairie Sound Drum & Bugle Corps

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We marched out last parade of 2009 as a Corps at the Baldwin City Maple Leaf Parade.

I underestimated this Parade as far as popularity. The Crowd was large and enthusiastic. We were one of 5 Marching Music entries of the Day. There were 2 High Schools, The Baker University Marching Band the 35th Infantry Division Army National Guard Band and Prairie Sound Drum & Bugle Corps.

We were consistent if nothing else. We fielded 1 Drum Major, 5 Color Guard and 6 Brass for a total of 12 participating members just like the other two parades we have marched in the past. Unlike our other parades, we had zero drummers for this one which made thinks a little tricky marching wise.

Despite our small size, the crowd appeared to like the Larry Hols arrangement of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home".

We are looking forward to doing some more recruiting in the form of November Open Auditions to help boost numbers going into 2010.

Note: We never really stop recruiting.


Jeff Dancinger,

Prairie Sound!!!

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