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I'm sure everyone has gone over this about 5 billion times. But I'm wondering, what is the best way to get the dents, bumps, etc. out of a horn. I'm thinking the answer is going to end up being just take it to a shop. Thanks for your time!

P.S. this includes big dents and little bumps (its a little bump in my trumpet that is making the 2nd valve not move at all, argh!!!!!)

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To get it fixed correctly, take it to a reputable shop.

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I'd agree with taking it to a shop and a good brass mechanic, though I know of a certain Kiltie legend who constantly amazes me with how much he knows about all things bugle.

If you West Coasters need a good brass monkey, may I suggest my good friend Jim Scimonetti's Brass and Woodwind Repair in Palmdale, CA., he's working on my Ebay auction horn right now.


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I would guess it would depend on the damage. I haven't had to pay for repairs of that nature, so I can't tell you what it may cost.

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I just cleaned out my bf's horn and he had a squeaky toy com out of it, well, I guess it wasn't a squeaky toy, it was one of those horns that you blow in and the little roll flys out and makes a noise...you know what I'm talking about? Anyway, he thought it was his playing that was making him sound bad! It was so funny, we're still talking about it, and he's still thanking me!

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Having experience in brass instrument repair, you are charged more for where the dent is rather than how bad it is. There are exceptions, though. For example, A large dent in the bell is probably less expensive than a smaller dent in the bell crook. Take it to a shop and be specific about what you want done. Also, many shops will get 'accessible' dents out when you have them clean the horn chemically. Accessible dents are usually the bell flair, but not the crook.

Hope this helps,

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If you have a dent in the valve casing which is what I am assuming since you said you can't move the 2nd valve, then it might be a lot because valves and casings a very tricky to fix and realign. I know people that foudn their horns useless after a major valve problem and had to get a whole new valve casing/valves...

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