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Hey, all you corps fans out there.

For decades, the largest drum corps parade in the state of NJ had always been during the state American Legion convention, which was held yesterday, the 9th. Now, however, that honor falls to the state ELKS convention, which was held last week, of course.

After the huge turnout at Elks last week, no one who came to the Legion convention in Wildwood this week could have thought there were any thrills left to be had, given the fact that the parade is now much smaller and everyone was waiting for the big DCA season opener at the Caballeros Beach Party next Saturday at the Wildwoods Convention Center.

But, lo and behold, the Legion continued to surprise those of us who were here. There were many great bands, string bands, drum and fife corps as always. But apparently not many corps fans hanging out in front of Kelly's Cafe (Wildwoods' drum corps HQ) had anticipated the surprise that was in store for us yesterday.

I was taking pictures of the parade, and talking to a member of Reilly's Raiders who wasn't marching this week, and he asked, "Did you hear the rumor that Park City Pride is here?"

"Nah! What would they be doing here so far from home for such a small parade," I logically asked.

"I guess it depends on what some post wants to pay them," he said.

Sure as heck, not more than two blocks away, Park City started playing in front of the reviewing stand at the Legion Post. I was so shocked, I almost forgot to take pictures when they got up to Kelly's.

All the corps fans in the audience were screaming, "Roll Off!" and "Please play here!" but apparently, no one informed the corps kiddies from Connecticut about the importance of Kelly's. They just marched right on by. Oh, well, we were able to hear a little bit of that huge sound from two blocks away when they played the required song at the Legion Home.

It sounded great but wasn't quite the same as a standstill at Kelly's would have been.

Guys, thank you for coming to the Wildwoods. You are always welcome. And please, next time, remember Kelly's. We want to hear ya.

I'm posting 10 photos in two groups. Enjoy...

Thom :worthy:




Everyone's favorite person during a parade!


"Hmmm, should we play here, or not? Hmmm..."



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Where are the "the Soprano" shirts :P

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