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  1. Her brother is Marvin Fontaine one of the CV Drum Majors. Robyn
  2. Having been a fan at many shows and had to wait for the corps to come in before crossing - I would like to add a comment here.. If you are marching, holding an interval and already have the "game face" on and someone cuts in front of you -that would be breaking ranks and should never happen. But in my opinion getting rude with a fan who wants to cut through when you are.... standing still in a line with no intervals, talking, joking, cutting up or marching with no set interval (40 feet between the contras because you want to be the last one in at retreat) is stupid and loses fans.
  3. CV has great numbers at open house. (160ish) I don't know how many are parents and how many are non-marching staff. (From just looking at the goups I would say 40 guard, 30 percussion and 60 horns. So that leaves about 30 parents, staff, & volunteers floating around.) Never know how many will stick with it the entire year, but it seems like a really good start. b**bs
  4. Report 1:30pm. 150 -200 people in attendance for open house. At least 40-50 have flags in hand. This is going to be a good year. :P
  5. It went on....retreat is about to start.
  6. There was an award given for "Most Entertaining Corps"!! CV won the award - thats what the kid was talking about.
  7. Glad everyone is OK with MCL. Rockmart High school got hit by a tornado last night at 3:00pm. For those of you that have been to the high school for shows the damage includes- Roof torn off the front arch of the building, other roof problems, leaks in the main buiding from turbines off the roof, the tennis courts are gone, the baseball fences are gone, the score boards are gone, the football metal podium and lots of equipment are in yards, one of the practice field goals are gone, the house that construction was building out back was picked up and slamed up against the 400 building, the roof is off the green house, the tickets booth roof is on the football field, some metal bleachers are on the football field, our eguipment van is upside down, lots of other little things. Many house and trees in the county were damaged. The Teems house is fine and believe it or not CV practice was not canceled just postponed a couple of hours. They are just working around the junk everywhere. (Maybe tomorrow they can flip our equipment trailer back over. LOL :sshh: Check out the new skylight. http://news.mywebpal.com/news_tool_v2.cfm?...ryID=11575&on=1
  8. Oh No!!!!....Now that the January camps are over you guys will be moving back in at my house. (Time to clean out the garage.)
  9. You forgot... then go start your own Corps
  10. Oh my God Patrick....you went there. Now he will be all pissy for days.
  11. Dec 3rd is in three weeks!! Don't miss it.
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