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Everything posted by BNYcontra

  1. hahahaha.....i'd say they still play pretty well!!!! flat and all!!!!
  2. It now appears that the vandalism of the truck was not the primary goal of the culprits. The ignition of the truck has been badly damaged due to a failed attempt to hot wire the rig. It's a pretty safe assumption that whoever did this had first thought to steal the ENTIRE truck and trailer assembly. I can not imagine why, or what someone would do with this....and the effects on our corps would certainly have been far more devastating had this actually happened. After failing to get the truck started, they broke into the trailer to steal as much of the equipment as they could. Grabbing horns and drums might have seemed like a good idea, but they must have been on foot since some of the missing equipment was found about a quarter mile down the tracks. Once they realized how heavy this stuff was, they tried to destroy any trace of it, smashing most of it and throwing them 20 feet up into a coal hopper that was on the tracks. Thankfully, one of the other members on site saw the glint of chrome sticking out of the coal, otherwise we never would have find the reminates of the equipment. I was on the scene when the police arrived and have been in contact with Gary on the condition of the truck, and this is the general consensus as to what happened. Granted, no one can know for sure until the culprits have been caught. Security has always been a concern when it comes to our equipment and the means in which we store it. For the past few years, we were able to store the truck and trailer INSIDE one of the buildings in the West Ave area, however, about a year ago the building changed ownership and the new owner wished to rent out the interior of the building. Being strapped for cash like most drum corps, we couldn't justify storing it inside any longer. The new owner was gracious enough to allow us to park the truck alongside one of the buildings on West Ave for free. We accepted the offer out of necessity since finding places to store a 75 foot truck and trailer assembly isn't easy. i can assure you that after every weekend the truck was carefully and meticulously secured as best as possible. However, glass can still be broken and locks cut in a matter of minutes. If a thief wants what you have, they'll find a way, it just depends on how good they are and how bad they want it. At any rate, we will put on one hell of a performance this weekend, and show those who would ruin our experience that no one can take it away from us. Thank you to all who have extended us offers of aid. It's good to see that DCA is truely one big horn blowin', drum beatin', flag spinnin' family!!!
  3. Hey Gary, i think you'd better check ur link, that's definately not a story about us.
  4. That was MY tuba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The one that is missing it's bell and all the tubing....which were another 20 feet down the tracks :worthy: Saddest day ever....who wants to give me a tuba for the season??? Let's hope the insurance comes through quick!!!
  5. Read in the paper couple weeks ago, that the city was launching an investigation into the whole incident....apparently there are several tens of millions of dollars missing and unaccounted for.....woops. But it's a definate shame that the project tanked. it certainly would have made trips from here to say....bellevue alot more convient.
  6. Who the hell let this fall to the second page?!?! come on people, we're a first page corps!!!! Anyways, in looking to collect orchestral versions of this years show music, i was forced to purchase a CD of Modest Mussorgsky's to obtain our closer pieces as individuals. So I was reading through the liner notes, cuz i'm a dork like that and i found some interesting information that all crusaders ought to keep in mind whenever we preform these pieces. So for those that don't know, read on. Pictures at an Exhibition was written by Mussorgsky after the passing of a close friend, an artist named Victor Hartmann. Each movement is representative of an actual painting done by Hartmann with short pieces to represent walking from one painting to the next inbetween. The pieces we are playing are the last 2 in the suite, and are described in the liner notes as so.... "The Little Hut on Chicken's Legs--Hartmann's picture is a design for a clock in the form of 'Baba Yaga', a Russian witch who eats human bones....and rides through the air." & "The Great Gate of Kiev--Hartmann's design for stone city-gates for Kiev, Russian style, with a small church inside, to commenorate the event of an unsuccessful attempt of the life of Tsar Alexander the II." So in essence our music is about evil clocks shaped like human eating witchs, and massive stone gates built to commemorate failed assasinations....and we need to convey those powerful images everytime we take the field....are you up to that challenge? ^0^ ^0^ ^0^ ^0^ ^0^ Let me know if you want the music!
  7. Still no hornline pics....what's the hold up Goldstien? We could use another baritone or 2 marjean....ya know rob is playing baritone now.....hehe
  8. I've already found all this year's show music. If anybody wants it, let me know and i can send it to you.
  9. Beware drum corps world....this corps is gonna be full of surprises this year.
  10. This is the best Crusaders drum corps i've seen since 2002.....we welcome new and stronger talent every weekend....hornline is full and playing strong, the guard is well beyong anything this corps has ever seen and the battery is holding there own....if only we can keep them from breaking their toes.....such a pretty girl. This weekend may be our dress run thru, but we're bring the pain this year and the rest of DCA better be ready, the Crusaders will be competive and will be aiming for the top!!!! Carol is an invaluabe resource and will be exploitated to the fullest. I'm exactic to be part of the Crusaders this year. The music is rockin' and the drill is very high energy......definately the best package this corps has had since the S year. Can't wait for this weekend.............i'll be there to blow my horn in force!!!!!! ^OO^ and since i march next to Lancaster w/Stp:
  11. Bump!!!! So excited for this coming camp....it's gonna be off the hook!!! Till then, peace out!
  12. I don't mind being called a kid....sometimes. And i don't think i'm bitter towards DCI....just confused by it's participants i guess. I love drum corps, but which corps i march with doesn't really matter, so long as i'm out there marching, competing, and having fun. And the idea that somebody who loves the activity of drum corps would deny themselves that stimulus based on some ridicoulous notion they got from somebody is pretty mind boggling to me. I go to the corps that is playing a show that has something to offer me. I have some connection to almost every major DCA corps in the Northeast, so i don't really have any beef towards any corps.....with one exception (but we won't go into that). I choose the Rochester Crusaders this year because i was pumped to be playing classic rock. Tunes like Stairway to Heaven, Schools Out for the Summer, and Light my Fire just came across as a fun show to play (and it is i might add). And i'd be happy to shake your hand this summer, you just gotta find me. And sry if i came across as an idiot last night...i swear this thread was at 4 pages when i started.
  13. And for the record, had money been no obsticale, i still would have chosen my DCA corps over any DCI corps ever day of the week.
  14. well the half full bottle of whiskey can tell my story, but you'd be a little intoxicated too if you had just spent 8 weeks preparing a 28 page report on the redesign of a facility only to have it rejected for one that was essentially a rush pile of ####.... All i know is in my atempts to recruit former DCI kids for my DCA corps, (mind you i'm only 22) most wouldn't even consider it. and there's something wrong with that. I even had a person respond "i'll never wear any other uniform but that of the cadets." That kinda borders on brainwashing to me. I've marched with former DCI people from the mid-90's and they love it. Why is it so different trying ot get current age-outs to even consider it now? (and i have taken into account the comment, that after 4 years a person can just be burned out, but i've never gotten that as a reason to not want to DCA)
  15. #### in the time it took me to type that it went from 11 to 16...screw it. i'm going to bed, you losers can argue into the wee hours of the morning but i'm nto interested
  16. Alright, when i started reading this thread an hour ago there were only 4 pages, now it's up to 11 and i still haven't caught up. All i'm gonna say is, "what's wrong with downing a keg before a show and still going out there and showin' up a junior corps?" DCA corps are a lot of fun. We have a good time, but we also put in a ton of effort. And to whoever said you dont' get comraderie outta a DCA corps needs to come down off his high horse. I've never had a better group of people in my life. I've never done DCI and never will, too expensive, and now i'm too old. And i'm pretty sure i'll never feel like i missed anything special
  17. Next Camp---->March on the 4th and 5th....you know you want to be there! So just get there and be part of something amazing!
  18. WE are not a second page corps!!!!......so BUMP!
  19. Always gotta start something, don't you donny?
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