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Everything posted by jondgrant

  1. Great, We look forward to seeing him. Thanks for your kind words. Jon PS Only 1 day left before DCK's first camp!
  2. The Derby City Knights' first rehearsal is this weekend December 9 & 10th. Everyone in the Kentucky/Indiana/Ohio (or other) area that would like to be involved with the Knights from the beginning are invited to come on out. The rehearsal will be at the Spectrum Building in Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday 8a.m.-8p.m. and Sunday 8a.m.-5p.m. Anyone needing directions or has any questions about the Knights feel free to shoot me a message or go to DerbyCityKnights.com. Thanks Jon
  3. there are a few on ebay right now like this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/Whaley-Royce-G-Bugle-2...1QQcmdZViewItem now if it was 2-valves I would not have replied and bid for myself. :)
  4. I also sent a few emails and have yet to hear anything back.
  5. Attention Corps & Band Directors or anyone else who has some used instruments gathering dust in a corner of a closet or equipment room. Derby City Knights, the all-age Drum and Bugle Corps in Louisville, Ky. is looking for donations of any used instruments. The Knights will use this tax deductible donation to build our current inventory by using the equipment or selling it to raise money for much needed equipment. We really need marching brass, uniforms, guard equipment and any percussion equipment, but we could use anything including woodwinds. If you have anything you would like to donate please email us at info@derbycityknights.com. Thanks! Derby City Knights www.DerbyCityKnights.com
  6. If that is why Cadets show is so good why did they not show tht in the clip? Much of the discussion was how the corps were displayed and the image the show gave. If the people only saw the telecast and got that opinion did DCI/ESPN do a good job telling the true story. If I were to sit down and watch any other event that was edited with highlight I would imagine it would have the highlights and the game winning plays. I would expect to see the game winning touchdown & homeruns, not the multitude of walks and 3rd downs.
  7. I am game on XM since I have it. Though I dont know if the market would support it. :)
  8. Ok, I say keep drumspeak... just don't mic it. When a corps sang they were not on mic.
  9. silly concepts are not exactly a bad thing... especially if it brings the audience into it. all i know is when i left the live show and closed my eyes, i saw 1 Phantom Phantom & Phantom and was humming the tunes 2 BD's sideline and gard show 3 Cavies standing on the ladders.
  10. I liked BDs show behind Phantoms' and perhaps Cavies. I think it brought alot of excitement. (and they could have done that with out the amps) I love the visual excitement of someone laying on the cot.
  11. Hmm it is drum corps forum... it would be an extreemly dull and boring forum if everyone agreed with everything aye Bill?
  12. I am confused so they are now going to have pickles on the field... now this has gone too far :) ban pickles!!!
  13. You are soooo right Phantom kicked butt... And they did it the old fasion way. The sad part is the amps are working their way down, I saw more then one High School Parent running around with an orange extension cord trying to find a place to plug in their rock band pretending to be a pit.
  14. Like I said in the other topic I was highly embarrassed about the percussion scattting into the microphones by cadets. I think it looked extreemly goobery if the casual person was to tune in they would see "band geeks". But hey they won so what do I know. But I guess that makes puts me in the column of banning the mics and amps... another thread I know.
  15. I would pay-per-view instead of driving a couple of hours to find a theater.
  16. BTW I did think it was interesting at the begining of the show they called them teenagers. But not actually mentioning (at least what i heard) who is elegiable and what exactly is an age out.
  17. Mine did too. She said this is boring and went to bed. She was extreemly disappointed when Boston's show ended.. She said "Is that it, that is all the fuss is about?" I had to explain it to her and promised that if she stayed and watched more the clips would get longer. I am glad she went to bed so I did not get an "I told you so"
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