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Everything posted by apoch003

  1. I need to reconnect with a few from my corps as well. Like James Hensley, Darrin Brooks, Tina Day, Tom Andrews and Dallas Hadden. But I don't think any of them are the type to own a computer. :(
  2. ...I can twirl... definitely twirl...I'm not wearing my underwear...gotta go to Kmart...
  3. The downing of Bingo Halls was a HUGE nail in the coffin of many drum corps. Oregon especially. Even the Seattle Cascades hold fundraisers here in Portland (Oregon) because they need to stretch their charity hand out this far. It's a sad state of affairs, really. What I really don't understand is that since Bingo Halls were considered "gambling" and thus, shut down. Why have the state and national lotteries been put back into use?
  4. I've answered that so many times now, it's just not worth it to post again.
  5. Drums should be louder! Let's point them towards the stands! Because people can't hear the dru.... er... Don't understand what the drums are playi....er.... want louder drums! b**bs
  6. Ah! That explains it. I can see a great deal of pride in wearing the "stuff" then. But it does make individuals stand out within the corps. Don't know if that's something I'd want to see on the field.
  7. Heh! GREAT PHOTO to cover for a double post. /clickey-savey
  8. What IS IT with drummers and their chewable chains? :P
  9. Depends on what you mean by "exciting". In 1987 at the Budweiser stadium in St. Louis, the Scouts were on the field when a massive rainstorm hit. They played through their show brilliantly despite the sudden downpour. But when they started play "Stars and Stripes", LIGHTENING STRUCK INSIDE THE STADIUM. It created and effect as though the revolutionary war was on all over again, and it had the audience on its feet. It was like the fireworks from God was suddenly accompanying the show!
  10. Those most certainly are french horns! Good eye for a colour guard!
  11. HATCHI MATCHI!!!! I think I just became a father!
  12. Definatly Wassau there. Looks like mid 70's (horns are piston/rotor) with a mid 80's uniform. Loves me some French horns! A rich unique sound that todays drum corps lack, IMO.
  13. I'm pretty sure that's not how you play those....
  14. It's a photoshoppe! NOBODY could do that rifle toss in real life. Sheesh! Todays corps do moves much harder than that, though!
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