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Everything posted by FTNK

  1. Ok, just thinking out loud here. Let's imagine it's the year 2015. Electronics have passed. Phantom Regiment (let's say, cause it would fit their style) recruits a highly talented college or conservatory piano student, and uses a high quality electric piano in the pit, and they use his talents by performing a piano concerto (or parts) on the field. What would you think? What if they choose, for their repertoire, a concerto that uses the piano as only one orchestral tone color among many, so the pianist wouldn't "overtake" the rest of the corps, or at least they blend into one musical idea. Or they could do something with an electric violin (have to experiment with getting the tone right, so it sounds audible but still like a violin). Come to think of it, parts of the Khachaturian violin concerto would work well in an SCV '99-'03 style show. (digression.) I'm not sure how it would work out, but I think it could potentially amazing. What if it was only one section of the show? Do you think is this different from the Cadets' 2006 ballad featured vocalist, or Cadets '05/Madison '05/Phantom '05/Cap Reg '05/Cadets '87 etc ..... featured visual performers/dancers. There are no right answers, because I don't know what I would think of it either, though if it was executed at the highest level, I tend to think it would be pretty awesome. Just trying to start a hopefully intelligent discussion about a design concept that could happen .... I don't know when.
  2. Had to post in this one because this was basically my JOB last year. At least, I did it constantly. There was one show where we performed terribly and our brass caption head, Derek Gipson, and program coordinator took turns giving us 15 minute lectures about how badly we did. That night on the bus I sang, to the baritone line from the closer, "The show was bad, Derek was mad doo doo doo doo dooooo..." and so on. Cap Reg tuba '04 '05
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