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Everything posted by kmansdrummin

  1. I watched 87 Santa Clara and the Cadets, being objective the whole time. (And I also checked the recaps.) I can't believe that Santa Clara got beat, and by a drumline that got a perfect score. (Were they perfect? No mistakes?) Nobody should get a perfect score, let alone one that wasn't the last corps on that night. (Could the Blue Devils get ABOVE a perfect score if warranted?) And SCV got beat in drums by .05?? Yeah, right. But back to the shows, I thought SCV showed much more energy, it was IMO a harder show, while the Cadets were good in the beginning and the end, but was boring (for me) in the middle. And the drumline (yes some of you have heard this before), didn't deserve a perfect score. There was no challenging Drum Solo, or a constant display of totally exposed world championship drumming. SCV and BD had those. I guess there wasn't any rewad for "exposure to error". Just IMHO.
  2. I also recall back in the day, if somebody called your Drum Corps a Band, they were practically fighting words.
  3. Thank you Garry!! You said it better than I could have. Drum Corps should NEVER, EVER follow Band!!!!
  4. Yes. I flew in this morning. I got directions, and it looks like it's only 15 minutes away or so from my hotel. I may swing by in a bit.
  5. Since practice is only 2 and a half hours, is anyone planning on showing up early? Maybe warm up on pads? (I brought mine.)
  6. Ouch! IMHO, Kevlar will never have the snare sound of Mylar. Too choked.
  7. True. While it's not my preference, it's easier to play on, and can be tuned. I've been playing on Mylar for the last 3 years.
  8. GE, (Genreal Effect), not the appliance line. I remember in the drumline we would say, "we should put some GE in there". I don't know if people today know what that means.
  9. Wow!! I can see doing one, but BOTH!! You're Wonder Woman!! It's great to see such a talent back in Drum Corps!
  10. I loved it when I saw a line and said, "I wish I could do that. Or, "that looks like Total Fun!!". . I loved it when there were solos, not just a little snippet. I remember seeing a tape of '74 Santa Clara doing Young Person's Guide, and re-winding it 4 (yes, 4) times and saying ####! every time. Also, the Blue Devils doing an Accelerando in the early-mid '80's. It's too bad the focus is on running around instead of playing serious notes.
  11. Greg, I remember last year when you and Scott shared the "Sugar Packet Story" with me. It was truly funny and something I tell my closest drum corps friends. I look back on that and laugh. I miss you and the other Kingsmen guys.
  12. Dale, You're making my mouth water. It would be super cool to get together and play some old school! (On mylar too.) And special thanks for giving me the '75 Santa Clara snare book. I told some cats in the Pacific Alliance up here about it, and they want copies.
  13. I was suggesting that Gail Royer for Santa Clara 74 did "Young Person's Guide", and Bobby Hoffman did "Chaos" to move people around without having to incur extra expense. The main reason I dislike the way drum corps is now is instead of getting a kid that doesn't know anything about music off the street, it is an inclusive activity. With all the expense of getting a kid to march these days (only a few thousand dollars), and getting kids with great talent, it's no wonder the number of drum corps has dropped greatly. But I respect everyone's opinion. Just wanted to help, but it sounds like it's figured out. Good luck to all.
  14. Are drums going to be available? If there are a lot of people, maybe there can be an early "jam". Are the snares going to play on manly Mylar, or the evil Kevlar?
  15. Maybe Drum Corps has outpriced itself. With all the so called "progress", there is way, way too much in the pit. The cost of everything there is becoming astronomical. While it may be good for the top few, it's too hard for the "everycorps" to compete. Maybe a change in the rules is in order. Why are there so many keyboards, amps, etc... A DRUM SET in the pit when you have a drumline there. While people may say, "it's for the different voices", I say, "how about this? Try TUNING THE FIELD DRUMS TO SOUND LIKE DRUMS". People like Gail Royer and Bobby Hoffman did things inside the rules. But Hopkins wants to have more change, and more "stuff". What's that saying, "be careful what you wish for"? "We have met the enemy, and it is us." Pogo
  16. If Dark Side of the Moon was done, there could be a great Drum Solo. Think of when all the clocks chime. Could be a good way to go into "The Clock", (Santa Clara 1975). With the backsticking, flam placings, three stroke rolls and the clean 8 count roll. (Awesome degree of difficulty.) Oh yeah.......
  17. Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon. (No wizard of oz Great music! And a cool drum solo!
  18. So I take it you don't have to be a Freelancer Alumni? If so, this may be interesting.
  19. How about a "Film Noir" show. Lots of cool dark music. (Maybe even a drum solo??) I always liked the original theme to "Suspense Theater".
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