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Everything posted by toddcontra

  1. Bob (yes, I'll stick with the nickname), As you'll remember, the rest of the corps was also required to have at least one "buddy" while in uniform. Another tradition I appreciated.
  2. C'mon Ogre, it was MY contra playing and marching that changed their life! b**bs My first show was the first one I marched in as well. Some '88 Freelancer help me, where was our first show that year? Riverside?
  3. I'd like to hear more about Danny Olivera. Actually, I have two requests. 1. I'd like to know more about him from those that marched with him. 2. I'd like to hear more about the legend, or story or whatever you want to call it. All I can recall is a story of his "ghost" being seen on one of the busses by a member of the corps that had gone back to get something they forgot. This is a very interesting part of Freelancer lore that I want to know more about! Thanks!
  4. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Chad actually fall off the podium after a jump during the last run through at rehearsal on the day of Semi Finals in 1990? I seem to have that vision in my head and don't think I dreamt it.
  5. I was on tour in '92 (as a driver) so was probably there, but have no recollection of Des Plains. What happened?
  6. MikeBob, I see you haven't changed your niggling ways! However, I believe you are correct about Adam joining in '90. Adam, where are you to help us with this??? I know someone out there can get in touch with him!
  7. '90 vets and staff...please help me remember/understand what the **** happened in the Batman reprise at the end of the Semi-Finals show!!! All I remember (and it is vivid) the show almost falling completely apart due to a timing thing toward the beginning of that tune. I remember hearing a contra (turned out it was Paul Rich) who was still on and I heard later that Bill Garcia was with him in the pit. I also remember the RUSH/HYPE I felt when I knew we were all back "on"!!! The way we salvaged that show along with the fact it was the last show I ever marched, created the only moment (I can remember) that I actually let my emotions get the best of me ON the field. At the final note, when I brought my horn down, I SCREAMED and couldn't help it. A bit embarrasing and so "un-hardcell" now that I type this out but hey, it was real...
  8. Glad you posted this Scotty. I marched CSUN and always loved that fact that there was the strong Freelancer connection. Besides the previously mentioned (Lance Delgado, Roger Johnson, etc. ) I have to include Al Nelson (Freelancer soprano '81) in the mix. Some others (I know there's more) include Don Nieman (Freelancer tymp '85), Christine Clayton (Freelancer guard '89), Eric Douglas (Freelancer cymbals '87), Terry Dawson (Freelancer contra '88), Ken Mengal (Freelancer baritone '89), Melody Beam (Freelancer guard '90), Lisa Marsh (Freelancer guard '92), Thom Willet (Freelancer soprano '87), Adam Payne (Freelancer soprano '89 - ?, DM (?)), Doris Trachtman (Freelancer mellophone '90), Lynn Vartan (Freelancer pit ??) Melissa Scott (Freelancer guard '87 - '89), Bill Garcia (Freelancer pit '90 -?) I'm sure I've missed many and also screwed up some years for those I mentioned...sorry. I'm also sorry to say I didn't know the Matador Band was no longer around. What happened to that? Also, there was a strong Freelancer presence at my high school alma mater, Royal High School in Simi Valley. Any others out there that went to Royal?
  9. Ogre - Appreciate you bringing back a common tour malady I hadn't actually thought of in years!! <**> And, yes, now that you mention it, I hadn't used the word "hype" in several years until a couple weeks ago! I'm hyped(!) that you signed on to this thing...You've brought back a great Charliesm that I hadn't thought of.
  10. The name Greg Morgan will forever be synonymous with the word "FOCUS", which Greg would yell at the beginning of every show. Greg, correct me on this but my guess is you were directing that at the color guard. However, it became (at least for me) a reminder to bear down and do a good show. And like many routines a source of comfort, having gotten used to hearing it every show. Greg wasn't my instructor but it was always awesome having him around to provide a voice of experience to me as a rookie in '88.
  11. Good one Bob! I feel the same way. I'm checking it SEVERAL times a day (not helping my workload) but I can't resist! Must.....check.....freelancer blog.....!!!
  12. I have a request for Mike Grogan (I see you online, Mike)...or anybody else for that matter. Back in the day, I read a story of a Black Knight, a Freelancer who did battle with many other knights who fought under various colored flags. The Freelancer fought under no flag.... Mike I think you probably wrote it. I'd love to read it again. Can you post it? Part of the magic of the corps for me was the freelancer lore. Mike you were the one who taught and told that better than anyone. Please share with all of us... Also, Mike are you still in touch with Erik? Can't remember his last name but he was the 6'7'' bari player from Santa Barbara. I've been wondering about him... Thanks, Todd
  13. If that were to happen, I'm thinkin "Born Again" would need to be played in ANTICIPATION.... Of course, Emmanuel would be sweet to hear live again...
  14. Mike Grogan was my mentor of choice!! Here's a memory from the KGB house of '88. Sparkplug getting plastered (can't remember on what) and falling asleep on MY sleeping bag. Yep, you guessed it, he pukes up a storm in his sleep on MY sleeping bag! Good stuff Sparky. So, I clean it as best I could (where's Mom when you need her?) and tried to use it for a week or so before the stench got the best of me. Tossed it somewhere. I don't remember what I used after that. I remember the next three years my bedding was a pad, thick blanket and a sheet that I just rolled up.
  15. "Charlie sending people to go get a leaf, put their gum on homeplate, etc; Paul Zimny's look of death over his glasses;" Two memories that are burned into my brain and can never be removed! :) Here's another good Charlie one. 1989 at our housing in Olathe, Kansas. Charlie painted each individual step of drill in a certain section for a Sop player named Kraig! (Sorry Kraig if you see this, but this memory makes me laugh.) Man, that was a time. How many people got sick during that finals week? I did, but at the time it was just a cough. After I got home, I went to see John Williams and the Boston Pops at the Hollywood Bowl. I was anxious for this because they were going to be doing the ET music. I got REAL sick and had to leave the concert. Unfortunately, the Bowl has "stacked" parking where you're stuck until everyone in front of you leaves! So, I'm dying (sweats, fever) in the medical center while my Dad is up in the concert. Turns out I got a pretty good case of pneumonia. Just part of the drum corps gig, I guess.
  16. I'd like to throw out some love to the 1987 freelancers! I didn't march that year and I really wish I had. I had gone to a few camps in '86 but really knew nothing about what was going on. I don't remember being told or asked to come march in '87 but WOW I wish I had. I have such respect and admiration for that particular corps!!! What those kids (I'm assuming the average age was MUCH younger than most years) did was simply magical. I got to know the show via video very well when Lance Delgado came to live with me following the '88 season and we watched the video over and over and over and over and over. Yes, Lance I think I can STILL match just about all of your beats from that year (Lance was in the pit and was on the chimes at the end of Bells--GREAT shot of him hammering away at the end of the show). I guess it seems to me like it was a whole bunch of rookies who (no offense intended) really didn't know what was going on but listened and learned and watched the few vets and staff that were there. And then! What they ended up with was MAGIC. I still get misty when I think about that year, how they played Born Again. I've heard several tell the story of the corps playing that song one night after rehearsal. I'll ask someone who was there to elaborate on that experience. I guess the whole "rising from the ashes" thing is what makes that year so special in my mind. I wonder if anyone knows how Roger Deloza came to the corps? Was it just a stroke of luck? Did John Zimney charm him? How would the show have been without him? I don't believe he's been mentioned in the this thread yet, but I get kind of sad when I think about how young he was when he passed. OK, '87 vets...I've given you your lead. Let's hear from you!
  17. I have no idea what the record is, but is seems to me like 805 views and 45 posts on the SAME DAY the thread was created is pretty cool. And the day isn't done yet. Oh, and I want the freelancers back too! Todd 1988 1989 1990
  18. Mike Olson! Bob! Good to see you here bud! How are things with you? Do you keep in contact with George Munoz or anyone from that crowd? What are you up to these days? Todd 1988 1989 1990
  19. I found this thread last Fall, got HYPED to read it, then got busy with life, etc. for a while but this is totally AWESOME! Excuse my while I go join the yahoo group. Thanks for starting this CJ, and thank to everyone else for posting. Todd 1988 1989 1990
  20. We didn't make finals that year, so I had great seats at the top of the stadium. I was totally satisfied with Madison's win, though I was rooting for SCV. The electricity in the stadium was undeniable!
  21. Just remembering those "statements" from the various shows still gives me major goosebumps! I haven't heard those shows in many, many years. Can anyone pinpoint which years these came from? The ones listed above, along with "Play Ball!" Am I missing any?
  22. I will dream about Drum Corps at least 6-10 times a year, even though I have not been involved since '92 and have only actually seen 1 live show since then. Whenever I do, it is always a GREAT dream and I wake up feeling happy, refreshed and missing the friends I marched with. This is typically the times of the year I call some old friends or do searches on the internet looking for someone I marched with.
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