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Everything posted by spartan117

  1. this year is gunna be good, its really going to be a fight for finals, more corps and the scores are so close in the middle with BDB SCVC and Surf all have 79's right now and its gunna be good
  2. i like how theres like 195 ppl and only like 8 ppl are talking i still want a cookie
  3. how long has the show been over? didnt some one say b4 that her husband was at the show??
  4. you have officially been nominated as the worlds best mom !
  5. its not good keeping a fat kid from his cookies :P
  6. so how many ppl do u think are gunna be at finals?....im gunna be performing so yea
  7. haha yea i saw their show it was really cool liked it alot....my friend could have been with them but he turned it down ???
  8. random question but how do you go froma dcp rookie to a vet?
  9. hey guys I just saw an ad in Todays Sunbeam (Salem County NJ 7/17/06) under education position wanted Pittsgrove Township Schoool District Marching Band Director (adjunct position) for the 2006-2007 School year the ad stated NJ cert req'd submit resume by July 28th 2006 to Loren Thomas Sup't. Pittsgrove Twp Schools 1076 Almond Rd Pittsgrove NJ 08318. Fax 856-358-6220......If you or anybody that you know are interested please foward this to them. this is my school, im going to be a senior next year and I basically designed my marching field show and I just learned that my band director filed for a resignation from marching band, this means if we have no director we dont march.....i really was looking foward to this coming year because it was basically my show design taking parts from the Cavaliers 04 show and yea.....the show is a spy theme, with an opener of mission impossible, secret agent man, pink panther quintet and a closer of the cavaliers 04 opener and ballad, with me soloing on bari, licence to kill, die another day, live and let die, me soloing again, and ending in the classic theme.....if any you or anyone you know is interested please call the number above.....thanks alot guys.......oh yea the website to our bands page is http://staff.pittsgrove.org/pieczaras/MarchingBand.htm it has MIDI's and sheet music, but sadly no drill yet
  10. 1.BD 2.Cavies 3.Bluecoats 4.Phantom 5.Cadets 6.Crown 7.SCV 8.Madison 9.Crusaders 10.Crossmen 11.BK 12.Glassmen it will be tight around bluecoats and phantom should be interesting really really like phantoms show this year havent seen bluecoats but have heard awesome things about them should be a awesome finals week cant wait
  11. i dont know the div 3 scores but it was a jump from a 48? to like a 65? for like the top three in div 3....div 2 surf got 3rd with a 77 ECJ got 2nd with a 81? and spartans got something higher than a 81 sorry for not being specific but yea bridgemen were AWESOME
  12. yea the site is dci.jamesmeister.com
  13. i saw them and they were awesome...loved their show deffinatly my favorite show that iv seen this year and iv seen cadets crown and the others that were competing in MD and MASS...they did not end in the leg kickout thing like they have done in the past but i dont see it really fitting in the end...its an awesome show and i LOVE the fight scene and yea it was an awesome show and i look foward to seeing them again
  14. i know this is a bit early but im not going to be here tonite or this weekend so i figured i would start something on the show today....what do u guys think?? the line up is East Coast Jazz Spartans 7th Regiment Targets Citations Raiders
  15. BD 77 SCV 73 BK 69 - 70 ACADEMY 68 JESTER 56 i see BD for the win here obviously and in finals..its 06 they better win
  16. hey if some one did braveheart as a show would they be allowed to use a bagpipe? just a question that would be a cool show idea
  17. im almost there :) ....if i get eagle...and im in DC now does that mean i can get into the scouts...werent they the boy scout drum corps wayyyyy back when??
  18. hey how does BDB shows sound i heard some clips on the blue view thing and i liked it....praise to ur A corps with the godfather...absolutly awesome and yea there gunna win div 1....but yea im jus curious...heard alot of good things about them...shuld deff be in top 5,,,hopefully
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